ICTs and the environment have a two-sided relationship. As a network, APC is looking into not only how ICTs are being used to help the environment, but also looking at what can be done in terms of policy regarding arising issues such as e-waste. APC’s GreeningIT project takes a look at the green and not so green side of ICTs to find out how ICTs can be used more sustainably by ICT practitioners, civil society, and service providers. This collection of country research articles, regional comparative reports and short summary articles provide insight on what is being done, and what has yet to be done to address the environmental impacts of ICTs.
Regional comparative report
Country reports
ICTs and environmental sustainability: Bangladesh baseline study – Partha Sarker and Munir Hasan
ICTs and environmental sustainability: Mexico baseline study – Olinca Marino and Enrique Rosas
ICTs and environmental sustainability: Costa Rica baseline study – Cooperativa Sulá Batsú
ICTs and environmental sustainability: Egypt baseline study – Leila Hassanin & Nahla Hassan
ICTs and environmental sustainability: India baseline study – Syed S. Kazi, Divya Menon & Ashok Karna
Summary articles
90% of India’s e-waste is recycled informally – when will gov’t policy recognise this?
ICT and environment in Costa Rica: closing the gap between words and deeds
Mexico: ICT and environmental policies must be linked
Bangladesh: Focus on climate change means that e-waste has been ignored
E-waste in Egypt: How do you solve a problem that doesn’t exist?
To find out more about the GreeningIT project, go to greeningit.apc.org