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APC training materials are designed for trainers who want to build the capacity of civil society organisations to understand information and communication technologies, ICT policy and gender-related issues.

In using them, you will be able to help others understand and engage with ICTs at local, national, regional and global levels.

Training materials that are supported by APC

ItrainOnline is a joint initiative of eight organizations with exceptional expertise in computer and Internet training in the South. It aims to assist civil society organizations (CSOs) and other development actors in developing countries to confront the challenges posed by new information and communications technologies (ICTs). In seeking to overcome skills gaps in development, it connects people and know-how with the needs of ICT learners and trainers.

Multimedia Training Kit
MMTK is a growing collection of “workshop kits” for face-to-face training. The materials use a standard set of templates, and offer building blocks for trainers to build their own courses. Materials are distributed under one of the Creative Commons licenses for easy redistribution.
See short video introduction to MMTK.

ICT policy training portal
The ICT Policy for Civil Society: Training curriculum is for trainers who want to build the capacity of civil society organisations to understand policy and regulation related to information and communication technologies (ICT).

What you will find on the ItrainOnline training materials repository

Training materials collected here were produced by APC and its member organisations, its partners as well as many other institutions and initiatives. Materials are being sought and selected by portal editors and they cover a wide variety of issues related to strategic use of ICTs. These materials are usually self-instructional (designed for end-users rather than for trainers).

What you will find on the other three training portals

All the training materials have been produced by ICT policy and/or training specialists familiar with ICTs. Trainers can combine materials in ways which suit their own needs. Individuals can also use many of the materials for self-teaching.

A unit is the content taught in a single session. A module is a comprehensive set of units on a topic. Most training materials are organised in a modular fashion.

Units include suggestions for trainers on running the session, a handout for workshop participants, exercises, a list of additional resources, a glossary of terms, a copyright statement and workshop and materials evaluation forms. Many units contain additional resources such as MS PowerPoint presentations, detailed manuals for trainers, and case studies of how the tools in question are being used in different contexts.

Free to use

All materials are released under a Creative Commons licence which allows their free use and distribution for non-commercial purposes. However, the exact provisions of the licence vary from module to module and usually if you adapt or translate the materials you are required by the licence to share them back to the community.

Adapting the materials to your local situation

You may find that some materials produced for a particular audience do not work with your public and you need to adapt them. For example, when our Ecuadoran policy trainer translated some materials to use with South American activists she also adapted the material to include cases from Latin America. If you adapt the materials for use in your locality, please send the modified files to the appropriate staff members responsible for training at APC. They will put them on this site in order to share your efforts with other people that may find your changes relevant.


You will find materials in English (the acronym is EN), French (FR) and Spanish (ES), as well as sometimes in Portuguese (PT), depending on the portal.

Please remember that not all materials may be translated, so it is a good idea to take a look at other language versions of a same material. If you make a translation yourself, please share it!

Get in touch with us

If you have any questions or want to make suggestions to APC regarding current course materials or materials you’d like to propose for the future, please contact us. We are always very interested to know how and where you have used the materials and what you thought of them. Please let us know!