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Cynthia El Khoury

Cynthia is a healing justice activist with over 10 years of experience in sexuality and bodily justice grassroots organising, community-led research and programme development. She holds a graduate degree in public health, with a focus on health promotion and community health. Cynthia is passionate about deconstructing notions of power and violence and focuses her energies on sharing her passion for politics of care, transforming trauma and expanding the spaces for structurally oppressed individuals to assert their powers. Currently, Cynthia is a student of somatic experiencing for trauma resolution and is immersing herself in the ancient matriarchal healing techniques of the eastern Mediterranean region. She is fascinated with the technologies of the body in its physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual dimensions. Cynthia is also an Aikido practitioner and a certified Reusi Dat Ton instructor.

Purpose of position

The gender and women’s engagement coordinator coordinates a peer group of women in community networks (including both women-led community networks and women nominated by their respective organisation) from different regions. Working with both the community networks project team and the Women’s Rights Programme, the coordinator fosters ways to organise community networks that ensure that women influence and have a role in affordable and meaningful access to information in their community.


What is OpenPGP?

Gender and women’s engagement coordinator
