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Friday, 21 March 2014
12h00 -14h00
Room XXIII Palais des Nations

The Coalition of Malaysian NGOs in the UPR Process (COMANGO), CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Forum Asia, World Organization Against Torture, the Association of Progressive Communications and Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development cordially invite you to a discussion on the recommendations accepted by the Malaysian government during the UPR Outcome Session by the Human Rights Council on 21 March 2014. There will also be updates on the latest human rights violations, and reprisals against human rights defenders in Malaysia.


Mr. Yap Swee Seng (COMANGO/“Suaram”:
Mr. Andrew Khoo (Bar Council Malaysia)
Ms. Yasmin Masidi (COMANGO/“Empower”:
Mr. Jerald Joseph (Pusat Komas & CIVICUS)
Moderator : Ms. Honey Tan (COMANGO/Empower)

Refreshments will be served
For further information please contact Amy Dodds international [at] suaram [dot] net and Jerald Joseph jjerald [at] pd [dot] jaring [dot] my
