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In Pakistan, its "freedom of expression like never before". This is the lead line of advertisements by the state owned media.
In Pakistan, its "freedom of expression like never before". This is the lead line of advertisements by the state owned media.

Yes, it is freedom as never before, essentially, freedom to kill journalists, freedom to kidnap journalists, freedom to pick their family members and keep them in detention, freedom to baton charge and tear gas shelling on public meetings, freedom to curb the voice of general public using police and army.

Pakistan is only the second state in the world after Burma, which is governed by a hegemonic military regime. State oppression is at its worst. With zero tolerance for any public voice against the state oppression, worst hit are journalist community. State is using every possible avenue to curb hard earned freedom of press in Pakistan. Whenever, there is any public demonstration, government enjoys the freedom to block TV channels, close down cable TV networks, black out Internet bandwidth and websites at their will, and issue press advice to print media pressurizing the owners of media outfits, stopping them to present truth.

The tone and sound of the government is getting threatening every day. On 29th September only, around 27 journalists were beaten by state machinery so severely that at least 2 of them are still in coma, many with broken limbs and the loss of expensive video/audio equipment is yet unaccounted. When one sees the footage of various independent TV channels, one thing is extremely alarming that the bashing kept no discrimination among male and female journalists. So gender balance was successfully observed!

Point to be noted is that in the current times, this kind of worst state oppression and atrocities against general public and civil liberties only happen in Pakistan and Burma.

Unfortunate scenario however is that while West is really keen on civil liberties all over the world with particular current focus on Burma but hardly pays any attention to state terrorism and government atrocities in Pakistan. Vested interests, war on terror, enlightened moderation but at what cost? At the cost of 160 million people, their rights and a volatile region, putting lives of many more at the risk of state terror? Essentially, Pakistan portrays the picture of a worst kind of police state!

Pakistan enjoys freedom of expression like never before. Yes, freedom to kill, freedom to kidnap, freedom to curb public voices.

God help us!
