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APC members meeting in Bulgaria in October elected the new executive board until 2007. For the first time, the APC chair is a woman and more than half (i.e. five) of the eight-member board are women. This is good news for an organisation where traditionally governance has been a male-dominated arena. Continuing another positive advance established in the previous board where each region APC works in was represented, in the new board, once again representatives come from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe and now North America.

The 2005/6 Executive Board members are: Natasha Primo, South Africa (Chair); Olinca Marino, Mexico (Vice Chair); Danijela Babic, Croatia (Secretary); Mark Graham, USA (Treasurer); Mihaly Bako, Romania; Danilo Lujambio, Argentina; Valentina Pellizzer, Bosnia/Italy; Kong Sidaroth, Cambodia.

Alternatives are John Dada (Nigeria) and Andrew Garton (Australia).

The APC executive board is elected by the APC council. Each APC member organisation nominates one to two representatives to APC council. Council meets primarily online and biennially face-to-face. In October 2005, APC council met in Varna, Bulgaria. The council elects eight of their number to the executive board. This smaller group works closely with the executive director to approve long-term action plans and monitor progress.

APC’s executive director, Anriette Esterhuysen welcomed the new EB and thanked the 2003-5 EB, in particular the out-going chair, Julían Casasbuenas from Colombia whom she thanked for his strong commitment and support. The new EB will serve until the next face-to-face council meeting to be held in 2007 in Cambodia.

Author: —- (APCNews)
Source: APCNews
Date: 11/03/2005
Location: MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay
Category: Announcements from APC