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Introduction to Human rights, ICTs and the internet

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) presents a Multimedia training kit on human rights and the internet.

The training kit, developed in the context of the Internet Rights are Human Rights project, is composed of modules concerned with the relationship between human rights, information and communications technologies (ICTs) and the internet. These modules are intended to help those who work on human rights and ICTs, and others with an interest in the issues, to understand ways in which the internet is affecting the enjoyment and protection of rights – now and in the future – and explore how these affect their work.

The Multimedia Training Kit provides an integrated set of training materials and resources to support community media, community multimedia centres, telecentres and other initiatives using ICTs to empower communities and support development work.

This resource has been commissioned by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and conducted with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

Human Rights, ICTs & internet Multimedia Training Kit can be downloaded and explored directly at along with APC’s entire trove of training materials.

Introduction to Human rights, ICTs and the internet

  • Trainers’ notes (PDF, 4 pages)
  • Group discussions and case studies (PDF, 6 pages)
  • Handout (PDF, 11 pages)
  • Additional resources (PDF, 2 pages)
  • Presentation slides (PDF, 18 pages)

Freedom of association and freedom of assembly

  • Trainers’ notes (PDF, 4 pages)
  • Group discussions and case studies (PDF, 7 pages)
  • Handout (PDF, 8 pages)
  • Additional resources (PDF, 2 pages)
  • Presentation slides (PDF, 21 pages)

Freedom of expression and freedom of information

  • Trainers’ notes (PDF, 4 pages)
  • Group discussions and case studies (PDF, 7 pages)
  • Handout (PDF, 11 pages)
  • Additional resources (PDF, 2 pages)
  • Presentation slides (PDF, 22 pages)

The right to privacy

  • Trainers’ notes (PDF, 4 pages)
  • Group discussions and case studies (PDF, 3 pages)
  • Handout (PDF, 12 pages)
  • Additional resources (PDF, 2 pages)
  • Presentation slides (PDF, 29 pages)