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The Global Adaptation Atlas, an initiative of Resources for the Future’s Center for Climate and Electricity Policy, aims to enable a global community of scientists, policymakers, planners, donors and citizens to visualize what impacts are likely to affect their regions, what responses are underway, and what gaps need to be filled. The Atlas covers five main areas: food, land, water, health and livelihood.
The Atlas architecture consists of four key building blocks aligned with the following objectives: * Compile the best-available natural and social science data on climate impacts * Integrate these data with up-to-date information and maps of on-the-ground adaptation projects to highlight “confluences of impact and (in)action” * Build a virtual global community of practice centered on climate change adaptation to support outreach and share best practices * Support long-term monitoring and evaluation through the development of a spatial data archive and help set priorities for future adaptation investment.Global Adaptation AtlasGlobal Adaptation Atlas

Areas of work