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Women’sNet invites you to a day filled with activities to reclaim Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) back by occupying Miriam Makeba Street and setting up an outdoor internet cafe. This is to demonstrate that in as much as we are reclaiming other spaces, online spaces need to be transformed too.

The day’s actions include blogging, SMS’ing, sending Tweets, signing a banner which will be on display at the National Feminist Tech Exchange next year, come put your message about the power of ICTs. All these day’s actions are under the banner of APC’s “Take Back the Tech! to end violence against women” a global campaign working to reclaim ICTs to combat violence against women. Come Take Back The Tech with us!

Details of the event are as follows:

Date: 10 December 2010
Time: 11am- 2pm
What to Bring: cell-phone, laptop computer, your organisation’s banner, camp chair
Venue: Outside Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, corner of Miriam Makeba and President streets, Newton, Zimbabwe

Lunch will be served.

RSVP: Fanisa Masia or Lebogang Marishane _intern [at] womensnet [dot]
org [dot] za_

Girl sending SMS: photo by EOSCameroun : sending SMS: photo by EOSCameroun :

Areas of work