CIPESA hosts a workshop on internet rights in Uganda in November 2013. Photo: CIPESA.The Collaboration on International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) has been working on monitoring and promoting internet freedoms in selected African countries under the OpenNet Africa Project. To this end, it has designed a platform [www.opennetafrica.org] to act as a focal point for information on internet freedoms and cyber security in Africa. The portal also provides access to research materials on legal regimes on internet openness or the lack thereof, censorship incidents, African initiatives that are promoting internet rights, and policy advocacy materials.
On 28 November 2013, CIPESA organised a workshop on promoting internet rights in Uganda, aimed at creating awareness among civil society, online users, and media practitioners on how current ICT policy and practice affect internet freedoms in the country. It also aimed to equip online users with knowledge and skills in online safety as responsible behaviour1. As part of our advocacy and awareness-creation work, we have also conducted discussions around the state of internet freedoms in Africa and released position papers on the same.