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In the context of the invasion of Ukraine, which is causing the suffering and deaths of civilians and the persecution of anyone who speaks up against the invasion, in Russia and other countries where political leaders are curtailing dissent, we stay committed to defending an open internet that remains fully operational at all times so people are able to connect and exercise their rights. We express our solidarity with activists and human rights defenders who are victims of cyber and other attacks. We condemn the dissemination of disinformation and we support all possible efforts for the amplification of voices from the ground.

In this sense, we believe that a way in which we can help is by offering tools and resources that will hopefully assist those going through this to stay connected and feel safer, informed and supported.

The following list of resources was not crafted with the participation of all APC members and staff. It was put together with input from a few of them to help each other think through the realities of the current situation and it has been made public with the idea that it might also help others. We will be updating this list as new information comes in, so please connect with us at if you have resources to share.

UN statements
Impactful initiatives by APC members

Initiatives developed by members of the APC network and others that are helping people in the current crisis (not necessarily only ICT-related):

External resources and campaigns

Resources collected by APC staff and members including various campaigns of support showcasing how different individuals and organisations are helping relief efforts in Ukraine.

External information sources

Information sources that some members of our staff and network follow that might help others in orienting themselves on the situation in Ukraine, in the context of most media outlets reprinting the same limited information, and growing censorship interventions.

Digital safety and security

Members and other organisations working on tools and services for digital security, safe communication and censorship circumvention in conflict zones.

International solidarity (with/from other struggles)

Collectives, groups and organisations around the world responding to the crisis in Ukraine.

Context on disinformation

APC resources exploring the multifaceted, global and complex issue of disinformation: