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The 67th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is taking place on 6-17 March 2023. This is the first session in its history to have a specific focus on gender equality and digital technologies. APC will be bringing forward key issues around online gender-based violence, freedom of expression, the gender digital divide, disinformation and cybersecurity to strengthen women and girls’ rights, in all their diversity, in the digital space.

In this article we share APC’s priorities and a list of events that APC will be organising, co-organising or participating in. We have also put together a list of preparatory good reads here (coming soon!)

The session will coincide with International Women’s Day (IWD), which this year revolves around the motto "Embrace equity".

Here is a social media kit to help our network in engaging around #CSW67 and #IWD2023.

Social media accounts and hashtags

Engage with APC through our main accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Mastodon (, and through our GenderIT accounts on Twitter (in English and Spanish).

In addition to #CSW67 and #IWD2023, we encourage you to use thematic hashtags, such as #HumanRightsOnline #GenderDigitalDivide #FeministInternet #OnlineGenderViolence #FreedomofExpression #InternetShutdowns #GenderedDisinformation #CommunityNetworks.

You can also tag or mention @UN_CSW, @UNWomen, @UN_HRC, @UNHumanRights for #CSW67 related content.

APC at CSW visuals and banners

View and download them here


Do you need inspiration? Check out these messages based on our priorities to highlight during #CSW67. Post them as they are or adjust them as you see fit.

Reframing “empowerment”

The full realisation of human rights, participation, security and well-being should be at the centre of #CSW67.

Full realisation of rights must include references to women and girls, in all their diversity. It must recognise historically unequal power relations between men and women. #CSW67 #HumanRightsOnline

Let’s promote inclusion and meaningful participation for all women and girls, in all their diversity, in the digital space. #CSW67 #HumanRightsOnline

Including women in decision making at all levels of use, design, management and governance of digital technologies helps strengthen human rights and advance gender equality. #CSW67 #HumanRightsOnline

Empowerment of women and girls cannot be fulfilled if it does not include the full realisation of human rights, participation, security and well-being of women and girls, in all their diversity. #CSW67 #HumanRightsOnline

Historically unequal power relations between men and women and systemic gender-based discrimination should be recognised for broader, effective societal change. #CSW67 #HumanRightsOnline

Bridging the gender digital divide

The digital divide can deepen other divides, inequalities and discrimination. #CSW67 #GenderDigitalDivide

We need an intersectional lens to women’s rights. Otherwise, many will continue to be excluded, such as women with disabilities, young women, migrant women, lesbian and bisexual women, transwomen and gender-diverse people. #CSW67 #GenderDigitalDivide

What does a feminist internet entail? The Feminist Principles of the Internet offer a gender and sexual rights lens on critical internet-related rights. #CSW67 #FeministInternet

A feminist internet starts with enabling more women and girls, in all their diversity, to enjoy universal, acceptable, affordable, unconditional, open, meaningful and equal access to the internet. #CSW67 #GenderDigitalDivide #FeministInternet

What is meaningful access for women and gender-diverse communities? Affordability, digital skills, continuous access, accessibility for people with disabilities. #CSW67 #GenderDigitalDivide #FeministInternet

In order to bridge the digital divide, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. There are different and complementary access solutions such as community networks. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #CommunityNetworks

Community networks bring feminist perspectives, feminist governance models and models based on the full realisation of human rights and environmental justice. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #CommunityNetworks

Let’s open up STEM to be more inclusive and accessible to diverse groups of women, girls and gender-diverse people who have, for decades, been excluded from these fields. #CSW67 #FeministInternet

The development of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, should not be gender-biased. In the past, new digital technologies have reflected the values and biases of their developers. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #AIandHumanRights

Online gender-based violence

Online gender-based violence is the manifestation of the historically unequal power relations between men and women and systemic gender-based discrimination. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #GenderViolenceOnline

Online gender-based violence tends to have a disproportionate impact on women and girls, due to their subordinate status in society and vulnerability to violence. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #GenderViolenceOnline

Online gender-based violence can also be conducted against individuals on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #GenderViolenceOnline

Digital spaces are built and created from a heteronormative and patriarchal logic. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #GenderViolenceOnline

Online gender dynamics reinforce social, economic, cultural and political structures of the offline world. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #GenderViolenceOnline

Cybersecurity has a gender dimension. It is present in data collection and surveillance, as data collection never takes place in a gender-neutral setting. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #GenderViolenceOnline

Data breaches have a more severe impact on women and gender-diverse people because of historical and structural inequalities in power relations. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #GenderViolenceOnline

Internet shutdowns affect the free flow of information, which has massive implications for women and communities at risk of injustice. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #InternetShutdowns

There are gendered impacts of internet shutdowns on personal safety, economic well-being, emotional well-being, education and connectivity. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #InternetShutdowns

Disinformation has a strong gender dimension. Women and girls are already under-represented in global media coverage, which often reinforces highly gendered stereotypes and norms. #CSW67 #GenderedDisinformation

We need accountability for surveillance systems. Targeted smear campaigns, harassment and surveillance of communities online create a chilling effect on women and their activism. #CSW67 #GenderedDisinformation

Solutions to online gender-based violence should include research, movement building, and community-based and intergenerational approaches. #CSW67 #FeministInternet #GenderViolenceOnline

Laws on gender-based violence should put women’s rights at the centre, such as the right to bodily autonomy, self-determination, freedom of expression and sexual expression. #CSW67 #GenderViolenceOnline

The private sector must be accountable for data collection and should adopt data minimisation as a key principle of data protection. This will minimise the risk experienced by women when data breaches occur. #CSW67 #GenderViolenceOnline

We need a comprehensive definition of online gender-based violence. It should reflect the continuum of violence, common root causes and experiences of victims/survivors. #CSW67 #GenderViolenceOnline

Sex and gender should be recognised as protected characteristics for the prohibition of advocacy of hatred. #CSW67 #GenderViolenceOnline

We need guidelines on gendered hate speech and disinformation, along the lines of the Rabat Plan of Action @UN_HRC @UNHumanRights. #CSW67 #GenderViolenceOnline

Freedom of expression

Expression is not free for many women or gender-nonconforming people. Their voices are suppressed, controlled or punished by laws, policies and patriarchal values. #CSW67#FreedomofExpression

Journalists, human rights defenders, activists and politicians are increasingly targeted for exercising their right to freedom of expression and challenging the status quo. #CSW67#FreedomofExpression

We defend the right to sexual expression as a freedom of expression issue. We strongly object to the efforts of state and non-state actors to control, surveil, regulate and restrict feminist and queer expression on the internet. #CSW67 #FreedomofExpression

States should include in their legislations the language adopted in the Human Rights Council 2022 resolution to protect, respect and ensure women’s and girls’ full enjoyment of the right to freedom of expression online and offline. #CSW67 #FreedomofExpression

States should uphold, respect and protect women’s right to freedom of expression online, including by refraining from censoring online expression and content relating to women’s sexual and reproductive rights and health. #CSW67 #FreedomofExpression

States must respect and protect the freedom of expression online of women and girls, in all their diversities. This includes refraining from censoring online expression and content relating to women’s sexual and reproductive health. #CSW67 #FreedomofExpression