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Are you passionate about building capacity of women in technology? Do you think that there are important connections between the human rights of women, women’s empowerment and ICT (information and communications technologies)? Have you ever wondered if there was a feminist practice of technology?

APC WNSP is organising the Feminist Tech Exchange together with AWID (Association of Women In Development) and local South African partner Women’sNet this November 10 – 12 in Cape Town.

What is the FTX?
The Feminist Tech Exchange, also known as the FTX, is an event preceeding the AWID Forum 2008 that will bring together more than 100 advocates and activists from Asia Pacific, Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America working on women’s rights, feminism and communication rights, to collectively build our knowledge and capacity on how information and communications technologies connect with feminism.

It is a three day exchange where we will discuss issues, build skills and share our knowledge and experiences on information and communications technologies and how they can strengthen our advocacies and activism. After the exchange, FTX participants will directly put knowledge and skills learnt into action at the AWID Forum, by engaging in the strategic use of ICT for movement building through content creation, skills sharing and conversations.

What is it trying to do?
The FTX aims to:

  • build the skills of feminist and women’s rights movements in the creative and strategic use of ICT
  • provide a space for open discussions on the connections between ICT issues and women’s rights agenda, as well as on feminist politics and practices of technology.
  • create partnerships between advocates working on women’s rights and feminism with those working in the field of ICT to sustain movement-building;
  • develop a community of trainers who can continue to support knowledge and skills building, even after the exchange.


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Areas of work