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The “Training Workshop on Community Radio: Stakeholders and Local Monitoring committee Members” was taken place in Rajshahi division from February 26-27, 2001 at Rajshhi Circuit House conference room, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

The program was organized by National Institute of Mass Communication of Ministry of Information with the support of UNICEF Bangladesh under the project namely ‘Advocacy and Communication for Children and Women.

A total of 25 representatives from 5 different Upazilla Local Monitoring Committees of Community Radio like Upazilla Chairman, Upazilla Nirbhahi Officer, Upazilla Education Officer, Upazilla Engineer, Representative of Bangladesh Radio, head of the educational institute along with 10 observer participants from different stakeholders group were participated in the workshop. The respected Upazillas are Chimari of Kurigram, Bodolgachi of Noagaon, Paba of rajshahi, and Sadar Upazillas of Bogra and Chapai Nawabgonj.

The chief Guest of this training workshop was Mr. Md. Shahriar Alam, M.P. Member, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Information and Science and ICT Ministry; the special guest of the meeting was Mr. A. K. M. shahmeem Chowdhuri, Director General, Bangladesh Betar, Mr. Nazrul Islam, Deputy Press secretary to the Prime Minister; Mr. Dilwar Bakth, Deputy Commissioner, Rajshahi and Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman, Chief Executive Officer, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) were present in the inaugural session, presided by Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Talukder, Director, National Institute of Mass Communication. The program was moderated by Sufi Zakir Hossain.

The aim of the workshop is to make the committee members aware about the act, principles and jurisdictions of the committee. The objectives of the training workshop is define the basic principles of community radio, and the roles, responsibilities and jurisdiction of the monitoring committee and the licensing, technical and other conditions of the community radio.

The contents of the workshop are the definition, characteristics, principles, operational mode, policies, Licensing, technical infrastructure, broadcasting; Monitoring, functions of national regulatory committee, jurisdiction of the sub-committees and central committee, function of advisory and local monitoring committee, Learning from other countries: Radio “ Sagar Matha of Nepal” (case study).

In the inaugural speech of the chief guest Mr. Md. Shahriar Alam, M.P. told, “Community Radio will be the strongest and appropriate means for our socio-economic change. He urged that community radio is a new concept/initiative in Bangladesh but also an important tool to achieve the millennium goal “Right to Information”. He made a special appeal to the participants for not to interfere in the activities of Community Radio. He requested all participants to give more space and freedom to community radio so that they could be able to meet the needs of the community. He added that democracy is not an easy process to achieve where military dictatorship can achieve its goal easily. He urged that community radio is the appropriate tool to strengthen democratic process.

Special guest Mr. K. M. Shameem Chowdhuri, Director General, Bangladesh Betar gave emphasis on the history of radio, community radio and its political importance. In his speech he has given special focus on the activity of “Swadhin Bagla Betar”, the first community radio in Bangladesh that broadcasted the declaration of “Independence of Bangladesh” March 26, 1971. He informed that the “Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra” was the second front of our liberation war. In this relation he added that the first radio station was established in Dhaka in 1939 during the Second World War for encouraging the British army and the citizens of this territory.

In the speech Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman, Chief Executive Officer, BNNRC has expressed special gratitude and thanks to the government officials of the line ministries and departments who has continued their cordial support to BNNRC for advocating on the issue of community radio in Bangladesh since 2000.

Finally, Mr.Mustafizur Rahman Talukder, Director, National Institute of Mass Communication gave vote of thanks to the participants. The program was ended for the day at 3PM..

AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR
Chief Executive Officer
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
[NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council]
Head, Community Radio Academy

House: 13/1, Road: 2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207
Post Box: 5095, Dhaka 1205 Bangladesh

Phone: 88-02-9130750, 88-02-9138501
Cell: 01711881647 Fax: 88-02-9138501-105
