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Perry4Law has recently found that the website of Department of Telecommunications (DOT) is infected by malware. Despite the fact that this issue has been reported publically, the DOT has still to take necessary action.
Cyber Security in India passing through a bad phase. The Technological Bankruptcy in India is apparent whether we see the legal framework for information technology (IT) or cyber "African journalists trained in how to communicate securely online" (APCNews and Toni Eliasz, 30 September 2004), Take Back the Tech! and APC Internet Rights Charter">security

and cyber forensics capabilities. India is more interested in sleeping with a false sense of security and excessive e-surveillance that acquiring expertise and capabilities to manage IT related issues.

For the past few days the web site of Department of Telecommunications (DOT) is attacking the netizens surfing its site. Mr. Praveen Dalal, Managing Partner of Perry4Law, suggests that users of older version of Internet Explorer must avoid visiting that web site. There seems to be a “Java Script Exploit” through malicious code in the older versions of Internet Explorer application. He suggests that it would be a better option if netizens use latest version of Firefox instead. If this is the scenario with the telecommunication department of Indian "state" in this glossary). As a general rule, "government" should not be capitalised.

Source: Wikipedia">government

we can ascertain the situation about other government websites.

The fact remains that IT security and management has never been on the “Priority List” of Indian government. Even during the elections an indifferent attitude in this regard is very apparent. While BJP has come up with an IT Agenda, Congress seems to be indifferent towards Source: APC">ICT

once again. The truth of these agendas and manifestos cannot be ascertained till we are made fool once again by a collation government. Perry4Law requests the government of India (GOI) to streamline its cyber law, cyber security and cyber forensics capabilities as soon as possible. It would also be a good idea to clarify the status of the proposed Information Technology Amendment Bill, 2008 that seems to be “withdrawn”.
