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Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) organized training workshop on Community Radio: Operation, Management and Sustainable Planning supported by Free Voice. The workshop was organized from 14-16 June, 2009 in Dhaka.

The objective of the workshop is to clarify the Community Radio concept and its strategies of operation, different aspects of CR management and sustainable planning.

Thirty high officials from twenty eight applied organizations attended the workshop. Mr. Sohel Aurongojeb, the consultant of Community Radio Academy, facilitated in the workshop.

The issues discussed in the sessions of workshop are: What CR is and why it is essential; the present position of CR in perspective of Bangladesh; CR by laws; Structure of CR Management Committee; CR Station Structure (Administrative); Job Description Manual-HRD, Gender; Finance (with content list); Regulatory Affairs (license fee, license renewal, reporting etc.); Programs to be Broadcast/ not to be Broadcast (on the basis of government policy); Information, Education, Entertainment, Development Motivation ; Daily and Weekly Cue Sheet; Costing Plan for Programs; Volunteer Management; Program Resource Management (Human Resource, Financial Resource etc.) and feedback from audiences; Management Planning; Financial Planning; and Strategic Planning.

The organizations which participated in the workshop are: Speed Trust, Bangladesh Scouts, BRAC, BCDJC, Krishi and Samajik Unnayan Songstha, TMSS, South Asia Partnership- Bangladesh (SAP- Bangladesh), Young Power in Social Action(YPSA), CDA, D.Net, COAST Trust, Come to Work, Pirojpur Gono Unnayan Society, LDRO, Srijoni Bangladesh, POPI, CCD Bangladesh, Sankalpa Trust, Proyas Manobik Unnayan Society, MMC, Gono Unnayan Kendro, Kiraro No Ki, RDRS, Deep Unnayan Songstha, Jugantor Somaj Unnayan Songstha, Samadhan, NHRDA, Nolta Hospital and Community Health Foundation.

MR. Shamim Ahsan, the Communication Officer of UNESCO, and Mr. Mostafa Kamal, the Administrative Chief of Coast Trust, were also present in the closing session.
