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This came into us from our long time partners, international non-profit news agency IPS:

Fifteen years after the Beijing World Conference on Women, IPS remains
committed to in-depth reporting on progress achieved and challenges
facing women and girls. IPS has a long-standing editorial commitment
to mainstreaming gender, which it has realised through training,
editorial guidelines and targeted projects.

On the occasion of the 54th session of the U.N. Commission on the
Status of Women (CSW) in New York (1 – 12 March), an international
team of journalists will provide special coverage from New York
through the IPS TerraViva Beijing+15 website,

The IPS TerraViva Beijing +15 includes analyses of the latest
developments from our team in New York, as well as gender stories from
the global IPS Gender Wire. Two printed editions of IPS TerraViva will
be published and distributed in New York during the CSW (1 March and 8
March). These published editions will be available for download at the
IPS TerraViva Beijing +15 webpage.

TerraViva is the family of independent periodicals published by
IPS-Inter Press Service – Global News Agency. The TerraViva Beijing
+15 is part of the IPS programme “Communicating for Change: Getting
Voice, Visibility andImpact for Gender Equality“. The IPS cast of
stories includes independent coverage financed through the Dutch
Government’s MDG3 Fund: Investing in Equality, and through the United
Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).

Top Stories:

Saudi Arabia Faulted for Feudal Justice …

RIGHTS: Rise and Fall of Gender Empowerment …

Two Steps Forward, One Back for Afghan Women …

Women Miss Saddam …

RIGHTS: U.N. to Focus on Global Epidemic of Gender Abuse …

News from Africa:

ZIMBABWE: Constitution in the Limelight …

RIGHTS: What Fish may do for Western Sahara …

POLITICS-NIGER: First Steps Towards the Restoration of Democracy? …

MALAWI: Extra Money Allocated for Drought Relief …

SWAZILAND: Long-distance Learning Certificate for Caregivers …

RIGHTS-EGYPT: Families Uprooted as Sphinxes Revive …
