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Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) is organizing a Conference on Community Radio in Bangladesh: Lesson from International Practice, Moving from Policy to Action in Bangladesh with support from USAID/PROGATI project.

The conference would be held on Tuesday, 13 April, 2010 at 10:30 AM in BRAC INN, Mohakhali Dhaka.

Maj Gen Zia Ahmed, psc (Retd.) Honorable Chairman, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission has kindly consented to be present as Chief Guest in the meeting.

Ms. Terry Thielen (USA) International Expert on Community Radio will present a paper based on her global experiences and Bangladesh findings.

Dr. Akram H. Chowdhury, Honorable MP and Chairperson, Center for e-Parliament Research will moderate the program.

Distinguished Member of Parliament (MP), Policy–Makers and Representatives from Government, UN Bodies, Department Partners, Media, Academia, Community Radio Initiators and Private Sector are expected to join the event.
