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This is the fourth in a series of online discussions that stem from the launch of the World Bank’s ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook and the growing demand for knowledge on how to use ICT to improve agricultural productivity and raise smallholder incomes.

ICT can expand communication, cooperation, and ultimately innovation among the wide array of actors in agriculture. This forum builds on Module 6 of the “ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook”, and it intends to explore how ICT can improve the concepts and operations discussed in the Agricultural Innovation Systems Sourcebook.

These issues as well as others and examples of successful projects will be discussed and brought together in a report used to inform GCARD 2012 and SOFA 2014. The e-Agriculture discussion is open to the participation of everyone!

Subject Matter Experts who will be leading the discussions are: (you must log in first to read their profiles)

• Laura Drewett, ESOKO
• Aparajita Goyal, World Bank
• Bruce Kisitu, KIVA Agro Supplies Ltd
• Ajit Maru, GFAR
• Karin Nichterlein, FAO, Research and Extension Branch
• Paul Nyende, AgriNet Uganda Ltd
• Enrica Porcari, CGIAR
• Saravanan Raj, GFRAS

Join the discussion starting September 17 at