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APC est en mesure d'atteindre des communautés et des groupes dans de nombreuses régions et de nombreux pays grâce à notre réseau de partenaires et à nos membres et notre equipe géographiquement distribués. Les partenaires d'APC sont des organismes avec lesquels nous travaillons étroitement, mais qui ne sont pas formellement membres. Ils comprennent :

  • Les mouvements sociaux et les défenseurs des droits de l'homme qui travaillent dans divers domaines, y compris les droits des femmes et les droits sexuels.

  • Les organisations de la société civile, en particulier celles qui travaillent à promouvoir le développement et à défendre la justice de genre, les droits de l'homme et la gouvernance ouverte et démocratique.

  • Les décideurs et les institutions d'élaboration de politiques dans les domaines des droits de l'homme, de la justice entre les sexes, des TICs et d'internet et des TIC pour le développement.

  • Gouvernements et organismes de réglementation des communications et de l'information.

  • Droits d'internet, gouvernance d'internet et développement technique d'internet et organisations politiques / acteurs / espaces.

  • Les organisations internationales (exemple, les agences des Nations Unies et les organismes régionaux tels que l'Union Africaine).

Partenaires avec lesquels nous travaillons

African Union Commission (AUC)

  • The Commission is the Secretariat of the Union entrusted with executive functions. It is composed of 10 Officials: A Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson; Eight (8) Commissioners and Staff members. The structure represents the Union and protects its interest under the auspices of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government as well as the Executive Committee. The AU Commission is made up of Portfolios. They are: Peace and Security; Political Affairs; Trade and Industry; Infrastructure and Energy; Social Affairs; Rural Economy and Agriculture; Human Resources, Science and Technology; and Economic Affairs. The AUC is an active partner of APCs in implementation of the annual African School of Internet Governance (AFRISIG) and the African Internet Governance Forum.

AFRINIC (The African Network Information Centre)

  • AFRINIC is the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) for Africa. It is responsible for the distribution and management of internet number resources - IP address space (IPv4 and IPv6) and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) - in its service region, which includes Africa and the Indian Ocean region. AFRINIC’s mission is to provide professional and efficient distribution of internet number resources to the African internet community, to support internet technology usage and development across the continent, and to strengthen internet self-governance in Africa through a bottom-up, multistakeholder Policy Development Process (PDP). In 2016, AFRINIC was one of the supporters of APC's African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) and also contributed with funds towards APC's participation in the Internet Governance Forum in Mexico.

APNIC (The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre)

  • APNIC is the not-for-profit Regional Internet address Registry (RIR) for the Asia Pacific region. APNIC provides number resource allocation and registration services that support the global operation of the Internet. It is a not-for-profit, membership-based organization whose members include Internet Service Providers, National Internet Registries, and similar organizations. It is one of the five regional RIR's. APNIC supported APC's participation in the Global Intermet Governance Forum in 2015 and 2016.

Africa Center for Media Excellence

  • The African Centre for Media Excellence is a Kampala-based independent, non-profit professional organisation that is committed to excellence in journalism and mass communication in Africa ACME’s main goal is to make the media a more effective platform for the provision of information on public affairs, a tool for monitoring official power, and a forum for vibrant public debate. ACME has a unique approach to continuing training and education. Instead of one-off workshops, which are common in the East African region, ACME employs a long-term approach in which practical training workshops are complemented by mentoring and coaching over several months. The Center works with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Africa Centre for Open Governance

  • The Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG) is an independent, non-profit organisation that provides cutting edge research and monitoring on governance and public ethics issues in both the public and privatesectors so as to address the structural causes of the crisis of governance in this country. The overall objectives of our programme activities are: to promote the implementation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010; strengthen anti-corruption and good governance in Kenya with objective, high-quality research and advocacy and to build Kenya’s capacity to be permanently vigilant and monitor progress on governance issues in the public and private sectors in Kenya. We also work with others at regional and international levels to promote collective efforts towards anti-corruption, accountability, transparency and openness in governance. Our reports, policy briefs and overall work add value to anti-corruption and governance reform processes in Kenya ad the region by stimulating policy discussion and supporting evidence-based advocacy and the mobilisation work of our partners. The Center works with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.


  • ARTICLE 19 envisages a world where people are free to speak their opinions, participate in decision making, and make informed choices about their lives. ARTICLE 19 is campaigning with people around the world for the right to exercise these rights. It has offices in Bangladesh, Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, Tunisia, Senegal and the UK, and works in collaboration with 90 partners worldwide. In 2001, ARTICLE 19 supported APC for the development of the Civil Society and ICT Policy workshop in Africa. From 2013 to 2015, Article19 partnered with APC on the LASIR (localising action for securing internet rights) project and is an active partner with APC in it's internet rights and governance work and the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

AWID (Association for Women's Rights in Development)

  • AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights. AWID is an active partner in APC's women's rights work collaborating during the AWID Forum on the Feminist internet Exchange Hub collaborators

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

  • The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice is a philanthropic organisation working exclusively to advance LGBTQI human rights around the globe. They support grantee partners in the US and internationally who challenge oppression and seed change. Astraea works for racial, economic, social and gender justice. In 2015, Aestrea commissioned APC services for a research activity and participation in the Media, Communication and Technology Lab strategy workshop. The foundation is an active partner in APC's women's rights work.

Balancing Act

  • Balancing Act seeks to be the primary source for information on the telecoms, internet and audio-visual media industries in Africa. It carries out consultancy assignments for a variety of clients and has expertise in the following areas: business planning, sectoral and market assessments, feasibility and development studies, management reviews and facilitating important or difficult discussions. Balancing Act is an active partner in APC's access work, particularly in Africa.

Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (

  • The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( was created by Interministerial Ordinance 147 of 31 May 1995, which was amended by Presidential Decree 4,829 of 3 September 2003, with the purpose of coordinating and integrating all internet service initiatives in Brazil, as well as promoting technical quality, innovation and the dissemination of the services available. is comprised of members from the government, the corporate sector, civil society and the academic community, and as such constitutes a unique internet governance model for the effective participation of society in decisions involving network implementation, management and use. Based on the principles of multilateralism, transparency and democracy, since July 2004 has been democratically electing representatives from civil society to participate in discussions and to debate priorities for the internet together with the government. In 2010, APC and collaborated for the Internet Governance Forum Latin America and Caribbean Meeting, and for the Internet Governance Forum in Vilnius, Lithuania. is an active partner in APC's internet rights and governance work.

Centre for Internet and Society (CIS)

  • The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) is a non-profit organisation that undertakes interdisciplinary research on internet and digital technologies from policy and academic perspectives. The areas of focus include digital accessibility for persons with disabilities, access to knowledge, intellectual property rights, openness (including open data, free and open source software, open standards, open access, open educational resources, and open video), internet governance, telecommunication reform, digital privacy, and cyber-security. The academic research at CIS seeks to understand the reconfiguration of social processes and structures through the internet and digital media technologies, and vice versa. Through its diverse initiatives, CIS explores, intervenes in, and advances contemporary discourse and practices around internet, technology and society in India, and elsewhere. CIS was a partner in APC's ESCR - Economic Social and Cultural Rights project and is an active partner in APC's work in internet rights and governance.

Centro Latinoamericano sobre Sexualidad y Derechos Humanos (CLAM)

  • The main purpose of the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights is to produce, organize, and disseminate knowledge about sexuality from a human rights perspective, in order to help fight gender inequality and to contribute to the struggle against the discrimination of sexual minorities in the region. The Center brings together scholars, activists and other partners from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México, and Peru, to encourage public debate on sexuality and sexual rights.  Created in 2002, the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM) is a project housed within the Program on Gender, Sexuality and Health, at the State University of Rio de Janeiro's Institute of Social Medicine (IMS/UERJ). It is part of the larger project linking centers in Asia, Africa, and the U.S., underwritten by the Ford Foundation. CLAM is an active partner in APC's women's rights work, particularly in Latin America and the Carribean.


  • CIVICUS is an international alliance dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society around the world focussing on three priority areas - Protecting the rights of civil society;  Strengthening civil society good practices and Increasing the influence of civil society. CIVICUS undertakes a variety of long and short-term projects in each of these areas. In addition, several of their projects, such as the Civil Society Index and the World Assembly, cut across these areas and provide a platform for further strengthening civil society. In all their projects, CIVICUS works in close partnership with relevant organisations to achieve our joint objectives. CIVICUS is an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL)

  • The Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) is a network of organisations working to transform Africa into a continent where all lesbians, bisexual and trans-diverse people enjoy a full range of human rights, secure in the knowledge that they are recognised as full persons and citizens, with rich and diverse cultures, and enjoy significant and respected presence in all the spheres of life. Their work is shaped by an African radical feminist understanding, informed by research, and strengthened by the claiming of social and economic power.

Coding Rights

  • Brazilian-born women lead Think-and-Do tank that aims to advance in the enforcement of Human Rights in the digital world by integrating usages and understandings of technology into policy making processes. Coding Rights was one of the collaborators for the Fix Hub at the AWID Forum, Brazil 2016 with APC WRP.

Commission on Human Rights and Good Governance

  • The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) is an Independent Government Department, established as the national focal point for the promotion and protection of human rights and duties as well as good governance in Tanzania. The Commission is an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.


  • CREA is a feminist human rights organisation based in New Delhi, India. Together with partners from a diverse range of human rights movements and networks, CREA works to advance the rights of women and girls, and the sexual and reproductive freedoms of all people. APC Women’s Rights Programme has worked with CREA for many years, currently partnering to implement All Women Count! A multi-year Global South Alliance to prevent violence against ALL women.

Diálogo Regional sobre Sociedad de la Información (DIRSI)

  • DIRSI has the objective of becoming the regional focal point for research and learning about ICT policies and regulation, and its impact on poverty. DIRSI is an active partner with APC in collaborative research on ICT policy and regulation issues in Latin America and the Carribean.

Fundación Comunica

  • Comunica's network researches and supports the use of new information and communication technologies by local and independent media in less developed countries to reinforce local initiatives for development and democracy. Communica is an active partner with APC in collaborative research on ICT policy and regulation issues in Latin America and the Carribean.

Global Fund for Women

  • GFW are a global champion for the human rights of women and girls. GFW use their powerful networks to find, fund, and amplify the courageous work of women who are building social movements and challenging the status quo. By shining a spotlight on critical issues, they rally communities of advocates who take action and invest money to empower women. GFW collaborated with APC WRP and other partners on the FIX Hub at the AWID Forum. APC WRP have also worked with GFW on digital security.

Global Partners Digital (GPD)

  • Global Partners Digital (GPD) is a social purpose company dedicated to fostering a digital environment underpinned by human rights and democratic values. They do this by making policy spaces and processes more open, inclusive and transparent, and by facilitating strategic, informed and coordinated engagement in these processes by public interest actors. In 2016, GPD supported APC for the implementation of the “Africa regional workshop, “The Internet as a Driver of Free Expression in Africa”. GPD is an active partner in APC's internet rights and governance work. GPD is an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Institut Pelangi Perempuan (IPP)

  • Institut Pelangi Perempuan (IPP) is an organization focusing on the empowerment of young lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LBT) women in Indonesia and creating safe spaces for them. Since its foundation, IPP has adopted the strategy called Education, Fun and Entertainment (Edufuntainment) and promotion of cool politics. The use of youth friendly language as well as recreational spaces such as dance and sport (badminton and boxing) club are used as the tools for mobilizing youth LBT women in Indonesia. IPP is an active partner in APC's women's rights work. including the TakeBackTheTech! campaign.

Institute for Social Accountability (TISA)

  • The Institute for Social Accountability (TISA) is a civil society initiative committed towards the achievement of sound policy and good governance in local development in Kenya, to uplift livelihoods of, especially, the poor and marginalized. TISA has been operational since March 2008, and is a locally registered trust. We were previously known as the CDF Accountability Project. TISA focuses on governance and has built up considerable expertise and networks in local governance, participatory governance, advocacy strategies, capacity building and practice learning while growing in experience and capacity in the development of capacity building tools and curricula in these areas. TISA is an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Internet Society (ISOC)

  • The Internet Society is a global cause-driven organisation with offices around the world, governed by a diverse Board of Trustees that is dedicated to ensuring that the internet stays open, transparent and defined by users. While the Internet Society is not a membership-driven organisation, it has a growing number of members and chapters that have chosen to join the Internet Society to share its mission and to promote the open development, evolution and use of the internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world. In 2012, ISOC provided APC with travel funds to support the participation of African civil society in the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT). In 2013 and 2016 ISOC supported the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG). From 2017, APC and Rhizomatica will be working with ISOC on a Community Networking initiative.

Internet Society Ghana

  • ISOC Ghana is the Ghanaian chapter of the Internet Society and is an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Just Associates

  • JASS is dedicated to strengthening the voice, visibility, and collective organizing power of women to create a just, sustainable world for all. Our feminist movement-building and popular education strategies combine innovative learning, organizing, communications and action that equip and energize activists, expand alliances and mobilize women’s movements for greater political influence and to ensure the safety of activists in an increasingly risky world. APC WRP, Women’sNet and JASS collaborated to produce the ICTs for Feminist Movement Building: Activist Toolkit - - The toolkit aims to assist activists to think through their communication strategies in a way that supports movement building. It offers a practical guide to writing a communication strategy and reviews a number of tools (ICTs) and technology-related campaigns which can be used in organising work.

Kaos GL

  • The purpose of the Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Researches and Solidarity Association (Kaos GL) is to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans individuals in embracing libertarian values, realizing their own existence, and in cultivating themselves in order to contribute to the development of social peace and welfare together with the development of their individual, social and cultural life and behavior. Kaos GL conducts cultural, educational, artistic and sports or similar activities or attempts to endorse achievements to be done in this framework so that LGBT individuals may embrace freedom, justice and peace as their fundamental values, so that they may conceive human rights as the rights of all human beings without making discrimination based on language, race, color, gender, sexual orientation, philosophical conviction, religion, religious sect, locality, so that they may struggle against homophobia and transphobia in every sphere of life. Kaos GL is an active partner in APC's women's rights work.

Kenya Human Rights Commission

  • The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) was founded in 1991 and registered in Kenya in 1994 as a national non-governmental organisation (NGO). Throughout its existence, the core agenda of the Commission has been campaigning for the entrenchment of a human rights and democratic culture in Kenya. Its founders and staff are among the foremost leaders and activists in struggles for human rights and democratic reforms in Kenya. KHRC works at community level with human rights networks (HURINETS) across Kenya and links community, national and international human rights concerns. The commission is an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

LACNIC (the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry)

  • LACNIC  is an international non-government organisation established in Uruguay in 2002. It is responsible for assigning and administrating internet numbering resources (IPv4, IPv6), Autonomous System Numbers, Reverse Resolution and other resources for the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is one of the five Regional Internet Registries that exist worldwide. LACNIC contributes to internet development in the region through an active cooperation policy, promoting and defending the regional community's interests and helping create conditions that will allow the internet to become an effective instrument for social inclusion and economic development for the benefit of all Latin American and Caribbean countries and citizens. LACNIC provided support in the organisation of the 2010 Internet Governance Forum Latin America and Caribbean meeting, and supported APC's participation in the Global Intermet Governance Forum in 2016.


  • LOOM is a young women led campaign that interconnects with women of multi generations in weaving stories, threading dreams, building young feminist leadership towards the change that inspires our freedom. LOOM is an active partner in APC's women's rights work and collaborates in the implementation of the EROTICS South Asia project.


  • Luchadoras is a multidisciplinary feminist collective of women media producers based in Mexico City, dedicated to the promotion of women’s rights and social justice. Luchadoras is an online feminist TV show launched in 2012 that uses the internet to share stories of inspirational women as drivers of change, broadcast weekly through RompevientoTV. Luchadoras believes in the transformative power of storytelling to counter stereotyped representations of women in the media that perpetuate violence. In 2016 Luchadoras and La Sandia Digital with APC won the 2nd Womanity Award for the prevention of violence to replicate APC’s Take Back The Tech Programme In Mexico with a collective of young feminist activists.

Mama Cash

  • Mamacash is an international fund that supports women’s, girls’ and trans people’s movements around the world. APC WRP has worked with Mama Cash on digital security trainings.

Media Foundation for West Africa

  • The MFWA is a regional independent non-governmental organization. It is the biggest and most influential media development and freedom of expression advocacy organisation in West Africa with national partner organisations in all 16 countries of the region. The MFWA is also the Secretariat of the Continental Network of the most Prominent Free Expression and Media Development Organisations in Africa, known at the Africa Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX) Network.  In the last 18 years, the MFWA and its partners have successfully promoted freedom of expression rights, media professionalism, and media-led advocacy for peace building, and participatory governance across West Africa. Below is Our Mission and Vision. MFWA is an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Media Institute of Southern Africa

  • MISA focuses on achieving sustainable, lasting change to make southern Africa a safer place for media workers. We envision a world where everyone, including netizens, citizen journalists, activists, scholars and artists can practice their fundamental right of free expression. MISA is represented in 11 countries across southern Africa. We participate in regional, continental and international forums, projects and actions to advance media freedom and freedom of expression across the continent and online. MISA is an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Media Rights Agenda

  • Media Rights Agenda promotes and defends freedom of expression, press freedom and the right of access to information. They are an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.


NEPAD - The New Partnership for Africa's Development

  • NEPAD was established in 2010 as an outcome of the integration of NEPAD into African Union structures and processes. The NEPAD Agency is the implementing agency of the African Union that advocates for NEPAD, facilitates and coordinates the development of NEPAD continent-wide programmes and projects, mobilises resources and engages the global community, regional economic communities and member states in the implementation of these programmes and projects. The NEPAD Agency replaced the NEPAD Secretariat which had coordinated the implementation of NEPAD programmes and projects since 2001. APC and NEPAD have been co-organisers of the African Internet Governance School (AFRISIG) since 2014.

Paradigm Initiative

  • Paradigm Initiative is a social enterprise that builds an ICT-enabled support system and advocates digital rights in order to improve livelihoods for under-served youth. Our programs include digital inclusion programs – such as the Life Skills. ICT. Financial Readiness. Entrepreneurship (LIFE) training program and Techtiary program – and a digital rights program, Magoyi. Across our offices in Nigeria (Aba, Abuja, Ajegunle, Kano, Yaba) and beyond, we work to connect under-served youth with improved livelihoods through our digital inclusion and digital rights programs. They are an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER)

  • Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER) is a group of people who believe that they can help build a more democratic society in Malaysia. Our group started by working with the women and youth who were affected by the December 2004 tsunami. We observed that the women’s economic losses were neither recognised nor compensated and we saw the need to do something. So to advance women’s equality and non-discrimination, we formed Pusat Janadaya Berhad. In March 2008, the Registrar of Societies approved our application to form Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor, a nonprofit organisation. “EMPOWER” was born – to work together with women to facilitate changes. EMPOWER is a partner APC's IMPACT project - Advocacy for Change through Technology in India, Malaysia and Pakistan.

Privacy International

  • Privacy International, a registered UK charity (No. 1147471), was founded in 1990 and was the first organisation to campaign at an international level on privacy issues. Privacy International is committed to fighting for the right to privacy across the world. It investigates the secret world of government surveillance and expose the companies enabling it; litigate to ensure that surveillance is consistent with the rule of law; advocate for strong national, regional, and international laws that protect privacy; conduct research to catalyse policy change; raise awareness about technologies and laws that place privacy at risk, to ensure that the public is informed and engaged. To ensure that this right is universally respected, PI strengthen the capacity of its partners in developing countries and work with international organisations to protect the most vulnerable. Privacy International envisions a world in which the right to privacy is protected, respected, and fulfilled. Privacy is essential to the protection of autonomy and human dignity, serving as the foundation upon which other human rights are built. In order for individuals to fully participate in the modern world, developments in law and technologies must strengthen and not undermine the ability to freely enjoy this right. Privacy International is a current partner in APC's internet rights and governance work.

Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW)

  • Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW), a global forum of researchers and activists and Erotics 1 project partner.

Sex Work Awareness

  • Sex Work Awareness (SWA) is a non-profit founded by four women who were originally editors and staff at $pread, a magazine by and for sex workers. SWA members believe that all sex workers have a right to self-determination; to choose how to make a living and what to do with their bodies. They aim to empower that diverse community “by building the capacity of sex worker-serving and sex worker member-based institutions as well as the skills and resources of sex workers themselves”, as well as conduct research about sex workers and the sex industry, develop public education initiatives, and advocate for the rights of sex workers. As part of APC's EROTICS project, Sex Work Awareness embarked on research to investigate content filtering systems in public libraries with internet access in the USA. SWA is an active partner in APC's women's rights work.

Si Jeunesse Savait (SJS)

  • Si Jeunesse Savait (SJS, “If Young Women Knew” in French) is a feminist group formed in 2001 and based in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It has representation in three provinces of eastern Congo. SJS builds the leadership skills of young women in sexual and reproductive rights, information and communication technologies and entrepreneurship. SJS has 115 members and more than 2000 supporters around Congo. They are involved in advocacy work for a national ICT policy plan for DRC and are also active in research and studies to make sure that gender is at the center of this ICT policy plan. The group also does crosscutting advocacy with other ministries such as education, gender and justice to see a clear plan to train women and girls in ICTs and to have a plan on violence against women addressing its intersectionalities with ICTs. Si Jeunesse Savait was a national country partner in the “MDG3: Take Back the Tech! to end violence against women” project, implemented by the Association for Progressive Communications Women’s Networking Support Programme and it's partners in 12 countries from Africa, Latin América and Asia, supported by the MDG3 Fund. SJS is an active partner in APC's women's rights work.

South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC)

  • The Commission identifies, discusses and integrates strategic priority areas in line with the Human Rights Matrix. The Commissioners also assigned specific provinces and United Nations treaty bodies amongst themselves. They are an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Support for Information Technology Center (SITC)

  • SITC is an independent human rights organization founded as an initiative in 2004 and has taken an institutional structure in 2006. Its main work focuses on the promotion of the right to knowledge and freedom of information in Egypt by working in research, advocacy and training in order to promote freedom of information, transparency and accountability, and independence of the media. They are an active partner with APC on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Steve Song

  • Steve is a researcher and consultant working to expand the use of wireless technologies through shared spectrum strategies and to enable greater internet access throughout Africa and other emerging markets. He is also the founder of Village Telco, a social enterprise that builds inexpensive WiFi mesh VoIP technologies to deliver affordable voice and internet options in underserved regions. Steve is a regulator commentator on African telecommunications issues. He has been involved in advocacy for dynamic spectrum regulation related to television broadcast spectrum since 2008 and was instrumental in the launch of the first Television White Space pilot in South Africa in 2011. Since 2009, Steve has been actively maintaining public maps of undersea and terrestrial fibre optic infrastructure in Africa as well as information on wireless spectrum frequency assignment and occupancy in African countries. From 1997 to 2007, he worked at the International Development Resource Centre, where he led the organization's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Development program in Africa and funded research into the transformational potential of ICTs across the continent. From 2017, APC and Rhizomatica will be working with ISOC on a Community Networking initiative.

SWEAT – Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce, South Africa

  • SWEAT has a 20-year history in organising sex workers, advocating for and delivering services to South African Sex Workers. They have facilitated birth of two movements – a Pan African Alliance of sex workers (African Sex Worker Alliance) and a national movement of sex workers called Sisonke. ASWA is now an independent organisation based in Kenya, and Sisonke is moving towards its own independence in South Africa. SWEAT and APC WRP collaborated on a digital storytelling project working with trans* sex workers.

Tactical Technology Collective – Gender and Technology Institutes

  • The GTI aims to build participants' skills and knowledge in using digital technologies, to enable them to be informed users of technology and to build movement-based discussions around security and privacy from a gendered perspective. APC WRP has partnered with TTC on Gender and Technology Institutes in Asia, LAC and in a global convening.

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

  • Established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN) in 1958 as one of the UN's five regional commissions, ECA's mandate is to promote the economic and social development of its member states, foster intra-regional integration, and promote international cooperation for Africa's development. Made up of 54 member states, and playing a dual role as a regional arm of the UN and as a key component of the African institutional landscape, ECA is well positioned to make unique contributions to address the continent’s development challenges. In 2001, UNECA provided support for the development of the Civil Society and ICT Policy workshop in Africa. In 2015, it commissioned services from APC to develop WSIS+10 research.

Urgent Action Fund

  • Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights is a global women’s fund that protects, strengthens and sustains women and transgender human rights defenders at critical moments. We intervene quickly when activists are poised to make great gains or face serious threats to their lives and work. We use online, text and mobile funding applications to respond to requests from women’s human rights defenders. UAF have participated in APC WRP Imagine a Feminist Internet convenings and APC WRP have worked with UAF on digital security interventions.

Web We Want

  • The Web belongs to all of us, and Web We Want is a global coalition of individuals and groups working together to build a better Web everyone. We are concerned about the growing number of threats to the very existence of the open Web, such as censorship, surveillance and concentrations of power. But, we know that if we all work together, we can create the Web we all want. We’re playing our part by supporting and creating campaigns that encourage the free flow of information and ideas all over the world. WWW worked with APC on implementation of the LASIR - Local Actions to Secure Internet Rights project from 2013-2015 and is an active partner on the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, a Pan-African initiative to promote human rights standards and principles of openness in internet policy formulation and implementation on the continent.

Women and Media Collective

  • The Women and Media Collective was formed in 1984 by a group of Sri Lankan feminists interested in exploring ideological and practical issues of concern to women in Sri Lanka. Since then we have been actively engaged in bringing about change based on feminist principles in creating a just society that does not discriminate based on gender. Our work has contributed at different moments in time to social and political change, the inclusion of women and gender concerns in the peace process, increased state recognition of women’s rights, the enactment of new legislation or legislative and policy reform promoting and protecting women’s rights, and recognition for the need to increase women’s representation in politics. By engaging with policy initiatives taken by the state, we have been able to contribute to the formulation of the National Women’s Charter, the National Action Plans for Women and the Migrant Rights Policy. WMC is an active partner in APC's women's rights work and collaborates on the implementation of the EROTICS South Asia project.

World Association for Christian Communications (WACC)

  • The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) is a non-governmental organisation that builds on communication rights in order to promote social justice. WACC believes that everyone has the right to communicate and to be in communication, in the same way that they have the right to food, shelter and security. In strategic alliances, it aims to be a catalyst for change for the common good, sharing information, knowledge and experience in the field of communication. WACC has members in 120 countries. Working with them at local, national and regional levels, they address communication needs, strengthen capacities, advocate for communication rights, and tackle ongoing challenges such as the need for gender-sensitive reporting, peace-building, and participatory communication for development. In 2013, WACC supported APC for the production of “The Status of Critical Communication Rights 10 years After WSIS - Documenting Civil Society Perceptions to Influence Policy Agendas”. In 2015, APC contributed to WACC's 2015 Global Media Monitoring Project report.