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Just got this punch that independent media will be kept at far far distance tomorrow from highly controversial, unethical and outrageous presidential elections in Pakistan. Only state owned media will cover these elections at the designated polling stations, and issue the footage or "official news" at their will, with no possibility of cross check by any independent source. This silly order has been issued by highly controversial, discredited, shameless Election Commission of Pakistan.
There is a lot happening in Pakistan these days on political front, mostly for worst though. Believe me, its been looooong time that we have heard any good news. What bad news? Suicide bombings every second day, massacre in northern Pakistan every now and then due to bombardment of "allied forces" from across the border, highest ever inflation, unprecedented price hike, power outage, water shortage, flour and sugar crises, natural disasters etc. are some highlights.

Unfortunately, we are a crowd of 160 million people with no direction, very weak spinal cord and absolutely no sense of nationalism and without a trustworthy leader. We have actually been totally taken over by "war on terrorism" and essentially became a play ground for the external powers to play their games at their will.

On a different note, we were accounting for top 10 crisis in Pakistan during Year 2007 only and have arrived at some shocking results. Will share notes in a different blog entry.

Just got this punch that independent media will be kept at far far distance tomorrow from highly controversial, unethical and outrageous presidential elections in Pakistan. Only state owned media will cover these elections at the designated polling stations, and issue the footage or "official news" at their will, with no possibility of cross check by any independent source. This silly order has been issued by highly controversial, discredited, shameless Election Commission of Pakistan.

By the way, our Chief Election Commissioner, who happened to be a retired judge of Supreme Court has been banned to enter in the Bar Council in his native city Abbottabad. This is how the people of his own city registered their protest and anger for all what he is doing to please the worst ever dictatorship in Pakistan’s 60 year history.

Well, if somebody wants to see that how rules and regulations can be manipulated for a dictator, please come to our world. Frankly, am thinking of marketing this as a business venture. Yes, we have a lot of lessons to share with any small or large nation. Dos and Donts for those nations, who wish to rise up and flourish with dignity among the nations of the world. One can witness arms twisting of controlled "democracy" in this country. Probabaly it happens only Pakistan! Burma will be much better soon… Am sure and I pray that it happens soon with them. For us, it is still a distant dream.

At my personal level, it’s a great learning experience. I now know that not always ethics, principles or dignity matters. People of my generation are witnessing highest level intellectuals, "sacred" religious leaders, top of the line so called social scientists, self proclaimed reformers and renowned revolutionaries being "sold out" to the hegemony of Pakistan Army and its Chief, who thinks of himself to be indispensable. Have you ever heard the terminology of "Horse Trading". This is another, which only happen in Pakistan. Horse trading is about buying and selling of MPs to the will of dictator. Hilarious! Isn’t it? Democracy at its best.

Any ways, due to a writ petition in the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the decision today, the liar, the dictator and the General will have to wait for about two more weeks for official notification of his election win. The win though has already been made sure. Pakistan is a very rich country, when come to this kind of expenditure. Horse trading has been at its peak in past few weeks.

Pakistan, the last best place on Planet Earth ;))
