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On location SarawakOn location Sarawak I’m writing from Kuching, capital city of Sarawak, the second largest Malaysian state on the island of Borneo. I’m here for a month working on the micro-docs series, Sarawak Gone, which you can read about on APC News.

On 27 July I head for Sapporo, Japan where I will participate in the next iCommons iSummit that will see the production of video, Identifying The Commons, for both APC and the iCommons. Identifying The Commons will support the APC Strategic Scoping Paper, Growing the Global Information Commons.

For more information on the video and paper go to:

What is the iSummit? From the website:

Advancements in information and communication technology have, for the first time in human history, enabled a host of opportunities that have seen societies leapfrogging out of underdevelopment, artists and creators regaining control over their expressions and people around the world working on distributed projects that benefit all humankind.

The iSummit offers a picture of that promise – bringing together activists, change agents and new world social entrepreneurs to chart and reflect on a positive path for a more fair, more just, more creative world in the Information Age.

I’m also planning a week or so in Tokyo to promote the new Son of Science CD as well as a collaboration with video artist, John Power – machinima work, Border Song. Border Song is a response to the theme of statelessness.

I’m also planning to catch up with APC members in Tokyo and meet up with NGOs working on various land rights issues in Sarawak.

After that it’s back to Australia and prepare for three months in Austria from 1 October. Will be working on the CPU collaborative project at the ESC gallery for around a month.
