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APC members and staff will be participating at this year’s Internet Governance Forum in Nairobi, Kenya from 27-30 September 2011. The proposed theme is ‘Internet as a catalyst for change: access, development, freedoms and innovation’ and so APC will be hosting a number of workshops as well as a pre-event based on the themes of access, human rights, and development.

1. Pre-event on internet access: a multi-faceted and rights-based approach

On 26 September 2011, APC will be hosting a pre-event aimed at discussing how access to the internet relates to wider human rights, specifically the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. IMPORTANT Download instructions of how to get to the event and register.

2. Workshops:

Download a complete schedule of APC events at the IGF.

APC’s Workshops

- Human rights: a unifying approach for development, freedom, access and diversity?

- Open spectrum for development in the context of the digital migration

- Mobile Internet, its Regulation and its Connection with Internet Governance / Mobile Internet: Enhancing the New Age of the Internet
Organised by Nokia, APC and Mobile Law Association

APC as co-sponsor

- Institutional Choice in Global Internet Governance
Organised by University of Zurich

- Blocking content: issues, principles and paths forward
Organised by ISOC

- Mobile internet: enhancing the new age of the internet
Organised by Nokia

- Do policymakers understand the role of libraries in mobilising the internet as a catalyst for development, innovation and freedom?
Organised by EIFL

- What is the role of the media in ensuring the Internet is a resilient and stable platform?
Organised by BBC

APC’s people as speaker

- Mapping internet governance
Organised by IGC
Speaker: David Souter

- A practical and pragmatic look at making cloud successful in developing world
Organised by GIIC and WITSA
Speaker: Joy Liddicoat

- Internet Governance Principles: initiatives toward the improvement of a global Internet Governance
Organised by Center for Technology and Society
Speaker: Joy Liddicoat

- Multistakeholder Internet Public Policy Dialogue:Lessons Learned and Best Practice examples of local to global policy dialogue
Organised by IISD
Speaker: Anriette Esterhuysen

- Institutional choice in global internet governance
Organised by University of Zurich
Speaker: Anriette Esterhuysen

APC’s speakers in main sessions

- Taking Stock — Anriette Esterhuysen

- IG4D — Joy Liddicoat

Other intiatives

- APC will also have a booth and will organise an information and poster
session on the issue of Conflict minerals: Bringing accountability and
governance to ICT production. What are the challenges?

- Not IGF directly related. WNSP’s policy workshop as part of MGD3 work
(24-25 Sept)

Photo by Nikki McLeod. Used with permission under Creative Commons License 2.0