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Once again, at the Annual Meeting of Hungarian Green Non-profits (OT2004) APC member Green Spider offered herbal teas and sound internet access, training and advice to participants.

As a direct result of Green Spider’s more active collaboration within networks beyond the environmental movement, this year the "Green Spider Internet Teahouse" was supported by the Hungarian GNU/Linux Users’ Association and the Another World Is Possible Network. Raising awareness of environmental contamination and in support of free software, Green Spider collected up visitors’ old CD-roms and exchanged them for new GNU/Linux CDs.

Green Spider, a non-profit provider of internet and web services to environmental groups since 1993 also held demonstrations of APC’s free content management software the APC ActionApps, workshops on how to work securely online using an APC guide available in Hungarian for the first time, and talks on developing a green alert system (in the case of protests against the planned NATO radar station on the top of Zengo Hill), community wireless, Indymedia and more.

"Participating with Safety" developed by APC is a series of guides for civil society organisation concerned about the security of their computer and internet systems covering an introduction to Information Security, Backing up Information, Passwords and Access Controls, Using Encryption and Digital Signatures, Computer Viruses, Using the Internet Securely, and Living Under Surveillance:

Author: —- (APCNews)
Source: APCNews
Date: 04/28/2004
Location: BUDAPEST, Hungary
Category: Free Software