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The sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development will take place from 7-10 December in Cape Town, South Africa. The conference is an opportunity for APC to strengthen its networks in the ICTD community and engage in meaningful discussion in pertinent global issues including access, right to information, sustainable development, and women’s rights in the developing world. Hosted at the University of Cape Town, it is also an opportunity to learn about current cutting edge ICT research amongst academics worldwide.

You can follow the event on Twitter via our handles @APC_News and @webwewant, as well as the hashtag #ictd2013

APC, members, and partners are participating in the following events:

Saturday, 7 December
15:45 – 17:30
Launch of Feminist Africa 18 – ‘Feminist e-technologies’ and facilitated discussion on feminist practice and politics of technology in African contexts
The advent and development of the internet has expanded the frontiers of feminist activism.  Feminist Africa is itself a prime example of the audacious digital engagements displayed by women’s movements all over the world. Established over 10 years ago with the support of Africa’s resurgent feminist community, Feminist Africa is the continents’ first open-access online scholarly journal, and still the only one dedicated to publishing and promoting independent feminist scholarship as an activist project.

Feminist Africa 18 engages with the ways in which ICTs support creativity, activism, social connections, pleasure and change, to ensure voice and visibility for women’s rights.
Organised by African Gender Institute

Sunday, 8 December
9:15 to 10:00
Launch of the the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) Affordability Report
Keynote: Dr. Bitange Ndemo

Tuesday, December 10
9:00 – 13:00
ICT4D & Online Freedoms: Competing Paradigms or Converging Agendas
Until recently, advocates for freedom on the internet have tended to operate in relative isolation from practitioners of ICT for Development. In this session we will critically examine a number of recent trends (both in the academic literature and in the real world) that suggest arguments and modalities for convergence, and look at practical ways in which practitioners in both fields can support one another.
Organised by APC and Web We Want

9:15 -12:45
Affordable Internet for All: Exploring key policy and regulatory drivers for change
The session will focus on the increasingly important issue of affordable Internet access for all, with the emphasis on the policy and regulatory interventions required to achieve this objective.

Panel 1: The A4AI Affordability Report: Sharing the initial findings and exploring next steps for further research (9:15-10:45 AM)
Panel 2: The A4AI Affordability Report: From research to evidence-based policy advocacy (11:15-12:45).
Organised by A4AI #affordableinternet

9:00 – 13:00
Appropriating ICTs for developing critical consciousness and structural social change
Can ICTs contribute to transforming the fundamental relationships of power and privilege that constrain development? What changes to development practice are required to enable the effective use of ICT by marginalised people in authoring and actualising their own development? Can people use ICTs to build critical consciousness and political agency?

Organised by Computer Aid
