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A Guardian article yesterday said that there are 240,000 feminist blogs on the internet. A few of their creators were present on an excellent panel at today’s WAM! conference.

Senior editor of In These Times, Lakshmi Chaudry, calls herself a failed blogger.
She tried it for six months but said it was a ‘black hole in terms of time and
energy’ if you’re going to stay engaging and have an impact.

But she’s done a great study on the impact
of blogging on progressive politics in the USA

She was one of five fascinating panellists at WAM! today talking about blogging
and social change.

Others were two young women who work on a blog for feminists their age,
They have a punchy, irreverent style, and are attracting 20,000 readers a day.

Blogs have been an effective way of nuancing the reproductive rights debate
said a panellist whose name I didn’t catch unfortunately but is an abortion
clinic worker. She called blogging virtual awareness raising where the telling
of personal stories can get taken to the political realm and adds depth. I’m
not sorry
is a right to choose site where women can share their personal
experiences. Abortion Clinic
shares the experiences and thoughts of someone actually working in
a clinic day by day.