21 June 2017 | Publication Human rights and the internet: The key role of national human rights institutions in protecting human rights in the digital age
5 June 2017 | News Deborah Brown (APC); Peter Micek and Alyse Rankin (Access Now) Internet rights at the Human Rights Council 35th session
29 May 2017 | Publication Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami A feminist action framework on development and digital technologies
29 May 2017 | Publication Anita Gurumurthy A history of feminist engagement with development and digital technologies
25 May 2017 | News APC APC celebrates Africa Day with roundtable addressing human rights and the internet
27 April 2017 | Publication APC statement in solidarity with Hungarian civil society and Central European University
25 April 2017 | Publication APC condemns murder of Maldivian blogger and human rights activist Yameen Rasheed
21 April 2017 | Publication Submission from Social Media Exchange and the Association for Progressive Communications to the United Nations Human Rights Committee in advance of its review of Lebanon
19 April 2017 | News French "right to be forgotten" ruling could be devastating for freedom of expression globally