Closed call
The Local Networks (LocNet) initiative is inviting host institutions that are already working with community networks in different regions to apply and nominate candidates for different positions, as follows:
Africa/Asia/Latin America gender coordinators
The regional gender coordinators will be expected to co-design and lead a strategy for gender integration in each of the three regions where the project operates: Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
Africa/Asia/Latin America capacity-building coordinators
The regional capacity-building coordinators are responsible for following up on the capacity-building actions promoted and/or facilitated by LocNet in their regions, with an emphasis on a contextualised and participatory approach.
Asia policy coordinator
The Asia policy coordinator is responsible for following up on the policy-related actions promoted and/or facilitated by LocNet in the region, with an emphasis on a contextualised and participatory approach.
The deadline for applications is 9 February 2024, 23:00 UTC. All positions are part of the project “Meaningful community-centred connectivity”, carried out under the Local Networks (LocNet) initiative, a collective effort led by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and Rhizomatica in partnership with people and organisations in Africa, Asia and LAC.
LocNet aims to directly support community networks and other community-centred connectivity initiatives, while contributing to an enabling ecosystem for their emergence and growth. It is part of a multi-year, multi-donor strategy envisaged to address the human capacity and sustainability challenges, along with the policy and regulatory obstacles, that limit the growth of community-based connectivity initiatives.
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