Thousands from around the world will gather in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to attend the United Nations convention on sustainable development, otherwise known as Rio+20.
As facilitator of civil society engagement in the original Earth Summit in Rio 20 years ago, APC and its network is keenly aware of the oft-forgotten intersection of ICTs and the environment. As the ICT4D landscape has changed over the years, APC will take the opportunity to look back on the past twenty years to discover how civil society participation has changed in UN processes like this and encourage people to take a deeper look at the challenges around ICTs and the environment.
The current state of ICTs in the sustainable development agenda
Working in collaboration with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), APC staff will report on the inclusion of information and communication technologies in formal and informal discussions at Rio+20,
Watch for us in Rio!
APC staff and members Metamorphosis and Colnodo will be attending sessions and reporting on the People’s Summit and the Rio+20 UN convention on sustainable development. Members Alternatives and Nupef will be holding workshops and participating in several panel discussions during the event.
Follow the event on Twitter @APC_News under the following hash tags:
- #GreeningIT
- #Rioplus20
- #peoplesummit
We’ll also be handing out sustainable IT check lists and tip sheets on how to green-your-tech. If you can’t be there in person, you can download them and start using them today!
Find out more about publications and other work APC is doing on ICTs and environmental sustainability: greeningit.apc.org
Read about APC at the original Earth Summit in 1992.
Read the 2010 edition of the Global Information Society Watch on ICTs and Environmental Sustainability