With the increasing use of the internet in various aspects of daily life as well as for the exercise of fundamental freedoms, it is critical that governments fulfil their obligation to promote and protect human rights online. However, in Pakistan, many of the restrictions imposed on rights enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), such as freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association, the right to privacy, as well as other rights, are being extended and sometimes heightened in online spaces. This joint submission made by Bytes for All, Pakistan, Media Matters for Democracy, and the Association for Progressive Communications encourages the Committee to seek information from the government of Pakistan concerning the exercise of human rights online. This submission focuses in particular on Article 17 (the right to privacy), Article 18 (freedom of religion or belief), Article 19 (freedom of opinion and expression), and Articles 21 and 22 (freedoms of assembly and association).