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Many APC and APC WNSP members will be present at this conference on the future. More than 2,000 people are expected from goverments, the private sector and civil society.

APC will be participating in the following events:

Pre GK3 Meetings – December 8-10

  • Telecenters Leaders Forum – December 8-9
    Check their facebook (you need to login in order to view this page).
  • IDRC Evaluation Workshop – December 9-10
    IDRC will bring together three evaluation facilitators (for Outcome Mapping, Most Significant Change, and Gender Evaluation Methodology) with 12-15 IDRC-supportedICT4D researchers (workshop participants).
  • International Taskforce on Women and ICTs (ITF) – December 9 ­ 10. This meeting will bring together a small number of high level leaders by invitation only to move forward on the outcomes of the Paris meeting hosted by UNESCO last November.

How do we create effective learning processes and routines to build the needed new knowledge and competencies? How do we record and disseminate effectively across very different language and cultural groups? How can concepts like “learning organization” and “community of practice” be applied to GANs? How do we create pilots in diverse locations, and yet have them learn from one another?

GK3 Workshops December 11-15

*11 December, 14:00 to 15:30, Parallel Panel Session 5
EP1: Emerging People Session: Engendering the Knowledge Society: Measuring Women’s Participation

*12 December, 11:00 to 12:30, Parallel Workshop 3
EP8: Emerging People Workshop
Gender Evaluation Methodology for ICT4D Practitioners

12 December 11:00 to 12:30
Knowledge Transfer for Development – Approaches to Community Empowerment and Future Strategies

13 December, 11:00 to 12:30, Parallel Panel Session 2
EP15: Emerging People Session
e-Agriculture – Continuing Dialogue to Action

December 13, 14:00 to 15:30, Parallel Panel Session 3
ET13: Emerging Technologies Session
Hello Regulator? Regulatory Authorities? Information and Communication