The voting for the WSIS Prize 2017 is open and APC is part of three of the nominated initiatives. The awards evaluate and recognise individuals and groups for outstanding success in implementing strategies that leverage the power of information and communications technology (ICT) as an enabler of development. You have until 30 April to cast your votes.
These are the three nominated projects in which APC is involved:
ICTS FOR FEMINIST MOVEMENT BUILDING: ACTIVIST TOOLKIT. The toolkit is part of a project that has helped develop feminist communication srategies using ICTs to build movements that are effective, resilient, visible and safe. The toolkit is about feminist practice and how to use tools and communicate in ways that make women’s voices stronger and louder while challenging stereotypes and discriminatory social norms. It is supported by Just Associates (JASS), Women’sNet and APC.
Vote in category 17 under C10 – Ethical dimensions of the Information Society.
Project information here.
AFRICAN DECLARATION ON INTERNET RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS. The Declaration is a pan-African initiative developed to promote human rights and freedoms on the internet. It is intended to elaborate on the principles which are necessary to uphold human and people’s rights on the internet, and to cultivate an internet environment that can best meet Africa’s social and economic development needs and goals. Organisations involved in the Declaration include Civicus, Media Institute of Southern Africa, Kenya Human Rights Commission, KICTANet, Support for Information Technology Centre, PROTEGE QV, Article 19, Media Foundation for West Africa, Global Partners Digital, Paradigm Initiative Nigeria and Web We Want.
Vote in category 18 under C 11 – International and regional cooperation. Project information here.
AFRICAN SCHOOL ON INTERNET GOVERNANCE. AfriSIG is an annual event organised by APC and the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency that has helped increase African participation in internet governance in the technical, social and political spheres, by adjusting to the needs of African interest groups. This five-day school offers an overview of the internet governance institutional landscape and its correlation with human rights, development, cybersecurity, multistakeholder approaches and emerging issues.
Vote in category 18 under C 11 – International and regional cooperation. Project information here.
Rules and guidelines for voting
The first five most voted projects are selected based on the appreciation/voting of projects by WSIS stakeholders representing the WSIS online network. The stakeholders are invited to appreciate/vote for projects in all 18 categories.
Entities are not allowed to vote for/appreciate their own project.
Votes/appreciations of all STK members are weighted equally.
Each STK member may only vote for/appreciate one project in each category.
Stakeholders should complete the voting process by voting in each category (in total 18).
Only one vote per category is allowed.
For more details and to register to vote, go to the WSIS Prize website.
About the WSIS Prizes
The WSIS Prizes is a unique international contest developed in response to requests from the WSIS stakeholders to create an effective mechanism to evaluate and recognise individuals, governments, civil society, local, regional and international agencies, research institutions and private-sector companies for outstanding success in implementing development-oriented strategies that leverage the power of ICT as an enabler of development. The WSIS Prizes contest is an integral part of the WSIS stocktaking process, set up in 2004 to assist WSIS implementation and follow-up. The contest was held for the first time in 2012, and rapidly gained attention and popularity within the ICT for development (ICT4D) community.
About APC
The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) is both an organisation and a network with 51 organisational members in 36 countries. APC’s vision is that all people have easy and affordable access to a free and open internet to improve their lives and create a more just world. Its mission is to empower and support organisations, social movements and individuals in and through the use of ICTs to build strategic communities and initiatives for the purpose of making meaningful contributions to equitable human development, social justice, participatory political processes and environmental sustainability.