Since its beginning as the Circumvention Tech Festival in 2015, the Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) has grown into one of the largest, most diverse and inclusive gatherings in the internet freedom community.
The IFF is organised around seven themes, focusing on the needs identified by the different communities around the world: On the frontlines, Making better tech, Training and best practices, Internet freedom: Present and future, Healthier networks and organisations, Advocacy, policy and research, and Journalism, media and communications.
Here is a list of the IFF sessions organised by APC staff and members. Come join us!
Monday March 5th
14:30 - 16:45 | Strategizing around online gender-based violence documentation and accompaniment practice
Where: Visual Room
14:30 - 16:45 | What will it take to kick the Google habit? A dialogue between service providers and users on the future of autonomous infrastructure
Where: Gallery
Tuesday March 6th
9:45 - 10:45 | Queering the internet: Sex, rights and the law in South Asia
Point of View
Where: Think Tank
14:30 - 15:30 | Anything you do online can be used against you: Cross-border access to data from a human rights perspective
Derechos Digitales
Where: Think Tank
16:00 - 18:00 | APC space at the marketplace
Come join us for a blockchain game!
Where: "La Plaza" space
Wednesday March 7th
9:45 - 12:00 | Diversity is our strength: Communications for identity and networking
Where: Attic
9:45 - 10:45 | When states are the attackers: State-sponsored harassment in online spaces
Derechos Digitales
Where: Gallery
11:00 - 12:00 | Building feminist infrastructure
Kéfir and Riseup
Where: Gallery
11:00 - 12:00 | My face is not a barcode: Self-defence tactics against facial recognition
Derechos Digitales
Where: Think Tank
12:15 - 13:15 | Access models in the global South, zero-rating and net neutrality
Derechos Digitales and Intervozes
Where: Attic
15:45 - 18:00 | Future's thinking applied to internet advocacy and fundraising
Where: Flyover Front
Thursday March 8th
9:45 - 10:45 | Sexing the data: Surveillance, gender and sexuality in the global South
Point of View
Where: The Attic
9:45 - 10:45 | Creating secure, anonymous and distributed platforms for personal audiovisual archives
Where: Gallery
17:00 - 18:00 | Digital rights violations in Palestine
Where: Theater
Friday March 9th
14:30 - 16:45 | Design sprint for digital security tips
Derechos Digitales
Where: Visual Room
Here is the full 2018 schedule and a map to help you find your room!