On Earth Day 2021, APC launched its 2020 edition of Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) on the theme of "Technology, the environment and a sustainable world: Responses from the global South".
This new edition connects researchers from across the globe to examine the role of technology from a climate justice perspective. It addresses the twin challenges of environmental crises and digital transformation, offering perspectives that counteract dominant techno-solutionist approaches that overlook the negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts of digital technologies.
This critical and urgent edition of GISWatch contains 46 country and regional reports, together with a series of powerful thematic reports that explore multi-dimensional challenges confronting civil society in our efforts to build a just and sustainable world in the age of digital transformation.
At the launch, we invited authors to present an action step or key recommendation from their reports. Acknowledging that an online launch poses challenges for coordinating across time zones, and emphasising the importance of sharing a diversity of voices on this important issue, we asked authors to make a short video of their key action step, explaining why it is important, how people can contribute and what the benefits would be of taking that step.
Listen to voices from around the world sharing their views on the global movement for climate justice, and read the full edition of GISWatch.
Big tech goes green(washing): Feminist lenses to unveil new tools in the master’s houses (Thematic report with Camila Nobrega and Joana Varon from Free University of Berlin – Gender Division; Intervozes; Harvard Kennedy School – Carr Center; Coding Rights)
The Sustainable Development Goals and the environment (Thematic report with David Souter)
Walking through the fire: Open data and the environmental crisis in Brazil (Brazil country report with Mariana Canto from Instituto de Pesquisa em Direito e Tecnologia do Recife (IP.rec))
Technology and the environment: Lessons learned during COVID-19 (Colombia country report with Julián Casasbuenas G. from Colnodo)
Using digital technologies for mapping disasters and preserving Indigenous environments and culture in Indonesia (Indonesia country report with Juliana Harsianti for Global Voices Indonesia)
Technology for life: Resistance from Indigenous and urban communities in Mexico (Mexico country report with Paola Ricaurte Quijano for Tecnológico de Monterrey/Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society)
Deploying ICTs for sustainable development and environmental governance in the Nigerian Niger Delta (Nigeria country report with Freeman Elohor Oluowo from African Centre for Climate Actions and Rural Development)
The need to improve the monitoring of air quality in Pakistan (Pakistan country report with Javed Hussain from Sindh Community Foundation)
Reusing computer devices: The social impact and reduced environmental impact of a circular approach (Spain country report with Mireia Roura Salietti from eReuse)
Can open data be an alternative solution for sustainable agriculture? (Taiwan country report with Dandan Zhang from Feminist Leadership and Mobilization on the Edge (FLAME))
GISWatch 2020 launch on Earth Day, 22 April 2021. Authors present their Action Steps and discuss reports from the edition.