How will diverse local communities shape and lead paths towards sustainable digital transformation?
Digital technologies pose increasingly complex and contextual challenges, threats and opportunities. It is also becoming increasingly clear that the development and deployment of digital technologies by communities working at very local levels are crucial to a future of just and sustainable digital transformation in which people affected by exclusion, discrimination and inequality can meaningfully use and shape the internet and digital technologies to meet their specific needs.
The APC network is organising a virtual discussion in advance of the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to explore and imagine how community-led development and deployment of digital technologies around the world are shaping paths towards digital transformation that are socially, economically and environmentally just and sustainable.
This virtual IGF pre-event, taking place on 29 November, responds to perceived gaps in the official programme of the IGF's Environment and Climate Change track, which includes workshops on narrow and specialised topics such as sustainable tourism and data-driven environmental monitoring, with insufficient consideration or exploration of the role of local communities.
Participants in this virtual convening will be invited to share and reflect on their work and experiences with community-led initiatives, including models of technology development and governance that are rooted in the principles and values of the local communities involved. The discussion will include a special focus on paths to just and sustainable digital transformation that are forming through alternative business models, platform cooperatives and collectives, and social enterprises.
An expected outcome of the discussion is greater awareness and understanding of how local communities can be supported in different contexts to shape the deployment and use of digital technologies to create just and sustainable communities, leading to greater care for ourselves, each other and the Earth.
Adrián López and Nicacia Lino (Radio Tosepan Limakxtum), Kemly Camacho (Sulá Batsú), Mireia Roura (eReuse), Michael Oghia (Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance), Naiara Santana (Women Rural Workers Movement of Northeastern Brazil), Nils Brock (DW Akademie), Patience Luyeye (APC individual member), Paz Peña (Latin American Institute of Terraforming), Sarbani Belur (Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay) , Tamara Terso (Intervozes), and Yeny Paucar (Unión de Mujeres Aymaras del Abya Yala).
Date and time
Monday 29 November 2021, 15:00-16:30 UTC
Register for the event here.