Pavel Antonov
Co-founder and Executive Editor of BlueLink. Research focus on normative, occupational and social changes of post-socialist media, politics and civil society, which suppress citizens’ and journalists' abilities to safeguard democracy and the public interest. Studies the expansion of market relationships over various forms of social, political and economic interaction, including civil society, mass media and environment protection. Analyses the engagement of social movements with journalists and business over issues of collective interest, such as environmental and climate change and tobacco smoking.
Current and recent work: Lead, Remembering Europe - Civil Society under Pressure Again (Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria), EU for Citizens Programme; Senior expert/Editor, BlueLink Virtual Newsroom project for support of public interest journalism across East Central Europe, Germany, NIS; Senior Expert, Trainer, journalism in support of rural civil society in Albania; Scientific co-ordination, Expert group against trans-border corruption of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum; Green Economy in South Eastern Europe research co-ordinator; communication campaign leadership and social analysis for the Smoke-free Life Coalition, Bulgaria.
Past work: edited Green Horizon at the Regional Environmental Center for CEE and led training courses for journalists and e-networking activists across Eastern Europe, Turkey and NIS. He is the former chief editor of current affairs at Bulgaria’s Nova TV where he also reported on political news and hosted Sofia’s Fairy Tales – a weekly show on multiculturalism.

Areas of expertise