This is a schedule of 2022 Internet Governance Forum events in which APC is participating in one way or another. Come join us!
Monday, 28 November
Harass me not
9:30 local time (6:30 UTC) / Room: CR5
APC speaking
Tuesday, 29 November
COVID-19: Changes to digital rights priorities and strategies - Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) 2021-2022 launch
9:00 local time (6:00 UTC) / Room: CR5
APC organising
Data justice India report: Book launch
9:00 local time (6:00 UTC) / Room: Large Briefing Room
APC member Digital Empowerment Foundation organising
Assessing citizen engagement into the Global Digital Compact
17:20 local time (14:20 UTC) / Room: CR3
APC co-organising
Wednesday, 30 November
Connectivity and digital rights: A view from the global South
9:30 local time (6:30 UTC) / Room: CR6
APC member Jokkolabs Banjul co-organising
Afro-feminist AI governance: Challenges and lessons
9:30 local time (6:30 UTC) / Room: CR2
APC member Pollicy organising
Lessons learned from capacity building in the global South
11:15 local time (8:15 UTC) / Room: CR3
APC, APC member Rhizomatica and others co-organising
Internet and the environment: Beyond connectivity
11:15 local time (8:15 UTC) / Room: Banquet Hall B
APC speaking
Perils and opportunities of data integration for security
11:15 local time (8:15 UTC) / Room: Press Briefing Room
APC member TEDIC organising
Who's watching the machines? New tech, gender, race and sexuality
11:15 local time (8:15 UTC) / Room: CR2
APC speaking
LEXOTA - Laws on Expression Online: Tracking and analysing responses to online disinformation in Sub-Saharan Africa
15:55 local time (12:55 UTC) / Room: Speaker's Corner
APC members CIPESA and PROTEGE QV co-organising
Thursday, 1 December
Social justice during rapid datafication
9:30 local time (6:30 UTC) / Room: CR5
APC member EngageMedia organising
Platform regulation: Perspectives from the global South
13:50 local time (10:50 UTC) / Room: CR2
APC and APC member Intervozes co-organising
Platform responsibilities for journalist digital safety
13:45 local time (10:45 UTC) / Room: CR5
APC co-organising
Policy network on meaningful access session
15:15 local time (12:15 UTC) / Room: CR1
APC speaking
Main session: Connecting all people and safeguarding human rights
17:00 local time (14:00 UTC) / Room: CR2
APC moderating
Friday, 2 December
Financial mechanisms for locally owned internet networks
9:30 local time (6:30 UTC) / Room: CR4
APC and APC member Rhizomatica speaking
Enabling a safe internet for women and girls
9:30 local time (6:30 UTC) / Room: Banquet Hall A
APC member Pollicy organising
Towards an internet governance for gender and environmental justice
11:15 local time (8:15 UTC)
APC, APC members Derechos Digitales, KICTANet, Pollicy and others co-organising
Security for whom?: Manifestations of weakened encryption
13:45 local time (10:45 UTC) / Room: CR3
APC associate Mallory Knodel co-organising (as member of the Global Encryption Coalition Steering Commitee)