This member story was featured in the 2016 APC Annual Report, as part of our work on access.
With the support of an APC member project grant, Colnodo developed a new app, PiensaEnTIC, which uses interactive learning activities to raise young women’s awareness of digital security and their internet rights. The app has been downloaded over 600 times.
Colnodo has also continued to develop systems that specifically respond to the growing needs of organisations for simple, accessible and secure information management.
In 2016, this included the development of an information management system for the Urgent Action Fund, which caters to the needs of women’s rights organisations and activists in terms of protecting their digital security and responding to situations requiring urgent support.
The system developed has strengthened the Fund’s work by reducing response times, allowing for more efficient information management, and guaranteeing the security and privacy of data. In addition, the statistics generated by the system can be used for planning future actions.
Colnodo also initiated a new project, “Ella Aprende, Ella Emprende”, aimed at capacity building for women in the use of Facebook to promote their businesses and small enterprises in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. A total of 2,000 women participated in face-to-face training sessions on subjects like creating and managing fan pages for their businesses, content creation, advertising, and generally giving greater visibility to their products and services.
Image: Ivonne Zapata.