This member story was featured in the 2017 APC Annual Report, as part of our work on the APC community.
In 2017 Pangea.org went through a process of refreshing its image and improving its communication methods, towards its members and the world. As a part of this process, the association's website has been renewed: the new one has a modern and clearer image and a new structure to facilitate access to information. A new blog has been started to spread information not only about their work but also about subjects related with information and communications technologies (ICTs), social and solidarity economy and social justice that affect society.
Pangea.org has made an effort to explain the difference between “free” services offered by large multinational companies and the ones offered by Pangea.org and other organisations of their local social economy. They made a video, in collaboration with some of their members, with the message “On the internet, a free product means you are the product.” This video and the campaign launched with it focus on the values behind their work (solidarity, equity, justice, sustainability, fair trade…), to highlight their unique traits and thus capture the interest of new potential members.
Pangea has also been busy migrating from ownCloud to Nextcloud and introducing new apps to improve their services.
Image source: Pangea