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Milena Bukova is the executive director of Bluelink, a virtual network offering a broad variety of internet based services for those who are interested in issues related to environment, natural resources, and sustainable development in Bulgaria and all over the world. Its mission is to create a free information forum for democracy, civil society and sustainable development.

Milena Bukova is the executive director of Bluelink,
a virtual network offering a broad variety of internet based services
for those who are interested in issues related to environment, natural
resources, and sustainable development in Bulgaria and all over the
world. Its mission is to create a free information forum for democracy,
civil society and sustainable development.

"I’m here because I
think it’s important that the link between ICTs and the environment is
made," Milena said, leaning on the APC stand in the "village" area of
the Windsor Hotel, Rio de Janeiro. Bluelink has been at the forefront
of environmental activism in Bulgaria, especially in its capacity as a
technology provider and facilitator.

Milena is therfore
interested in promoting environmental sustainability with the use of
technology. Email lists, websites and local area internet networks are
some of the tools that can help environmentalists and green advocates
advance their cause, have wider influence in public debate and be
active citizens. Milena knows about this, but she is in Rio to make the
point that internet governance without sustainable developement targets
and goals, might well be the ticket for the developement of an
unsustainable and "polluting internet", putting even more strain on the
earth’s resources.

This is especially true when one looks at the
computer hardware needed to now support the latest software versions.
Or the video and other "heavy" contents that increasingly strike a
chord with internet users. All these innovations carry quite direct
effects on the environment with them.

Areas of work