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South Korea is seeing some conflicts between IPR and access to knowledge (or, A2K). Over-protection of IPR may hamper access to knowledge. It is unfair to use the copyright law to prevent the public use of digital libraries.
South Korea is seeing some conflicts between IPR and access to knowledge (or, A2K). Over-protection of IPR may hamper access to knowledge.

There’s a dilemma here: Korea has seen a speedy development of ICTs, including the internet. But due to ‘intellectual property rights’, the people are facing problems when it comes to accessing knowledge.

For examples, the Korea Technically Digital Library can be established, but because of the IPR, it’s happening under very limited conditions. See this article on Secure the Fair Use of Digital Libraries which argues that it is unfair to use the copyright law to prevent the public use of digital libraries.

I’d like to introduce about recent Korean sitation, especially with regard to the South Korea-US FTA (Free Trade Agreement) and IPR.

Both governments officially announced that they would start to negotiate the FTA in June, 2006. The US government has requested the strengthening of protection of IPR in Korea by reforming the IPR related laws — over copyright, patent, trademarks etc.

Recently, we at Jinbonet and other social organizations in Korea send a open letter to the US Trade Representative (USTR) on what problems were foresee in strengthening IPR.

Please see some links below…

S. Korean and US NGO’s position paper on Copyright issues in the Korean-US FTA
S. Korean and US NGO’s position paper on Public health and IPR in the Korean-US FTA

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