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The Story of Electronics an accessible and very
smart eight minute film about e-waste, will be playing at as of this Tuesday, November 9.

The latest internet video release by Annie Leonard’s Story of Stuff
Project employs a simple but never “dumbed-down” communication style.
“The Story of Electronics” provides all consumers of electronics with an
overview of the life-cycle of our electronic gadgetry and the
environmental challenges presented by the IT age. It is seen as
especially accessible to young people and an invaluable tool for
students of all ages and their teachers.

“The film denounces the mindless ‘design-for-the-dump’ mentality that
has resulted in so much of our toxic e-waste exported and dumped in
developing countries,” said Jim Puckett, the Executive Director of the
Basel Action Network (BAN). “I hope every elementary, high-school or
college student and their teachers will take a look at this thought
provoking cartoon and bring it into school.”

BAN is the organization that first exposed the global e-waste dumping
crisis in China and West Africa and subsequently created the e-Stewards®
Certification for electronics recyclers, which defines the highest
standards of responsible recycling and identifies those who will not
export your old TV or computer to a developing country. e-Stewards
Recyclers can be found at .

Co-produced with the Electronics Take Back Coalition (ETBC) — a
national partnership of environmental and public health groups including
BAN — and Free Range Studios, “The Story of Electronics” is hosted by
Annie Leonard. Ms. Leonard created the hit viral video “The Story of
Stuff,” one of the most watched environmental-themed short films ever,
and directs the non-profit organization Story of Stuff Project.

“If we can figure out how to make an IPhone remember where you parked
your car,” said Ms. Leonard, “then we can figure out how to make
electronics that aren’t filled with toxic chemicals and en route to the
trash can just months after we buy them. Let’s apply some of that
creativity and innovations to making products that are safe and long

Allison Cook, Story of Stuff Project (213) 507-4713

Kathleen Goldstein, Electronics Take Back Coalition, (202) 841-0295

Sarah Westervelt of BAN, (206) 652-5555 .

For more information:

The Story of Electronics companion website,
, offers an interactive resource for viewers, including students and teachers that want to use the film as a launch pad for projects.

To find out more about the e-waste crisis visit and to find responsible recycling solutions, visit the Basel Action Network’s e-Stewards website at .

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