“We want movements that are effective, resilient, visible and safe.”
Just Associates facilitated two events at the AWID Forum to launch new and innovative resources contributing to creative and engaged feminist movement building based on the experiences and “living movement building stories” of women’s rights activists. The session convened at the Feminist Internet eXchange Hub, showcased these two vital feminist movement building and communication resources which amplify and share activists stories and strategies to creatively use and engage with ICTs. One is We Rise – Movement Building Reimagined, a new web-based resource to make the dynamic nature of movement building more visible and accessible so others can learn from it and strengthen their own work. The second is a partnership between Just Associates Southern Africa, APC and Women’sNet that came together to build “ICTs for Feminist Movement Building: Activist Toolkit” which draws on the experience and contexts of women activists in southern Africa and beyond to assist activists to think through their communication strategies in a way that supports movement building.
Read the full feminist talk in GenderIT.org .