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Who really controls the internet? Lot of hints, lots of diversity of views… but plenty of smoke screens too. Here’s a lecture, taking place today and titled Who’s really out to control the internet? UN and USA Governance, If you tune into the Guardian, the story you get is “US loosens grip on running of internet”. And here’s another version of the truth, coming from The Mercury News which says, Internet governance dispute will last years, official warns. A dispute, is it?
Who really controls the internet? Lot of hints, lots of diversity of views… but plenty of smoke screens too.

Here’s a lecture, taking place today and titled Who’s really out to control the internet? UN and USA Governance,

Of the speaker, we’re told:

Dr. Peng Hwa Ang is Dean of the School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He was one of the 40 persons appointed by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the Working Group on Internet Governance in 2004. He is on his way to the Internet Governance Forum, which meets in Athens, Greece, for first time during the week of October 30.

If you tune into the Guardian, the story you get is “US loosens grip on running of internet”.

And here’s another version of the truth, coming from The Mercury News which says, Internet governance dispute will last years, official warns. A dispute, is it? As this report argues,

An international dispute over U.S. control of the Internet appears unlikely to be resolved even as state envoys, regulators and technology experts convene next week to discuss the network’s future. “Such negotiations are difficult … this will take time. There are many countries which all have their own interests and opinions,” Greek Transport Minister Michalis Liapis said Thursday. “We are starting a dialogue which I think will take many years.”