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This section is a space where APC's staff, members and readers can open up conversations on topics that are of interest for the ICT community. It is a space where authors get to be themselves – sometimes to express opinions and challenge the readers on issues and topics that are close to them, sometimes to share their personal experience on an event or a current debate. The views expressed in this section do not necessarily reflect the views of APC or its network, but that does not make them any less valuable.

1984 results found
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| APC Talk
Vasundhara Sirnate and Gaurav Jain

Democracy is dying in digital darkness

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| APC Talk
Seerat Khan for

Bodily autonomy and censorship: Snippets from South Asia

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| APC Talk
Nyx McLean and Thurlo Cicero for

Interrogating transphobia within the LGBTQIA+ community