The global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be held in hybrid format this year in Kyoto, Japan, on the theme of "The Internet We Want - Empowering All People". See the APC's network's schedule and more details about APC's participation.
Here are some essential resources and reads to help you investigate, discuss and question some of the issues APC will be exploring at the 2023 IGF, categorised by this year's eight sub-themes:
General Resources
- How the APC network has engaged with the UN's Global Digital Compact to help shape our digital future
- GISWatch 2021-2022 - Digital futures for a post-pandemic world
- Closer than ever: A guide for social change organisations who want to work online
AI & Emerging Technologies
- APC policy explainer: Artificial intelligence
- APC statement to the Global Digital Compact Thematic Deep-Dive session on artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies
- GenderIT.org edition explores algorithmic anxieties and feminist futures in the Middle East and North Africa
- Inside the Digital Society: Where’s the (common) good in it?
- GISWatch 2019 - Artificial intelligence: Human rights, social justice and development
Avoiding Internet Fragmentation
- Joint letter: An open, interconnected and interoperable internet
- UN Tech envoy should support an open, global and interoperable internet
- Rethinking technologies. Dreaming collectively at DWeb
- Creative Commons Global Summit: Creativity and innovation open to everyone, everywhere
- Best practices: Diversity and Inclusion in Open Source Projects
Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety
- A framework for developing gender-responsive cybersecurity policy
- APC policy explainer: What is a gender approach to cybersecurity?
- APC policy explainer: What is a gender-sensitive approach to cyber capacity building?
- APC policy explainer: A human rights-based approach to cybersecurity
- GenderIT.org edition: A feminist conversation on cybersecurity
Data Governance & Trust
- APC statement to the Global Digital Compact Thematic Deep-Dive session on data protection
- Data protection in the age of technology-based disease surveillance
- Protecting civil rights against corporate surveillance in South Korea
- This is how I would redesign data governance. How would you?
- Big or little data in Africa: Why collaboration matters now more than ever
Digital Divides & Inclusion
- The APC network intervenes at the Global Digital Compact's deep dive session on digital inclusion and connectivity
- GISWatch 2018: Community networks
- Financing mechanisms for locally owned internet infrastructure
- Manuals from communities of practice: A series to support community networks
- GenderIT.org edition: Infrastructures of resistance: community networks hacking the global crisis
Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
- The APC network intervenes at the Global Digital Compact's deep dive session on internet governance
- Inside the Digital Society: Digital governance - Where next? Some thoughts and principles
- How the global internet governance movement began and evolved in the last two decades
- GISWatch 2017 - National and Regional Internet Governance Forum Initiatives (NRIs)
- GISWatch 2017 Special Issue - Internet governance from the edges: National and regional IGFs in their own words
Human Rights & Freedoms
- The APC network intervenes at the Global Digital Compact's deep dive session on human rights online
- Human rights and digital technologies at the Human Rights Council 50th session
- GenderIT.org edition: Global attention to technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV): Feminist perspectives
- GISWatch 2017 Special Issue: Unshackling expression - A study on laws criminalising expression online in Asia
- Human rights online in Africa: New study explores technologies, tactics and techniques used to close digital space in 10 African countries
Sustainability & Environment
- Joint submission to the Global Digital Compact on Earth justice and sustainable development
- GISWatch 2020: Technology, the environment and a sustainable world: Responses from the global South
- A guide to the circular economy of digital devices
- More questions than answers: Collectively shaping a Feminist Principle of the Internet on the environment
- Our Circular Future: "If you're reading this, you’re part of the environmental problem”
Bonus Resources
- Joint submission to the Global Digital Compact on gender
- GenderIT.org edition - Hacking hate
- APC policy explainer: Platform responsibility and accountability
- Inside the Digital Society: Making platforms accountable