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Threading feminist digital futures for our planet

#routingforcommunities podcast!

Our Circular Future: Florencia Roveri

#routingforcommunities podcast Telegram sign up

Call for proposals: APC is excited to announce the CYRILLA research subgrant for 2023!

Defending the right to lend ebooks

Towards an Early Warning System for Violence Against Women Journalists

Interview with Julián Casasbuenas: “Presenting at spaces like the GDC will help change minds that commercial telcos will connect all of humanity”

WPFD2023 - Freedom of expression and gender justice

Seeding change: Community-driven solutions to developing a repair ecosystem in India

Building a community network learning repository together

Internet archive: The Fight Continues

#internetgovernance deepdive - GDC registration link

Support the digital rights movement! DRAPAC23 Assembly

Introductory brief: The Global Digital Compact

The language of power: How your trendy chatbot is leaving marginalised communities behind

Navigating our constellations: Cosmic and earthly feminist tech futures

Community Networks: Learning repository

Protest+Power: Feminist movement organising in technology

We are not alone. We have each other. Rooting self and collective care at Making a Feminist Internet 2022

Wiki Katat and Radio Tosepan Limakxtum: Indigenous communication for autonomy

FTX: Safety Reboot

Interview with CIJ (Part I): “It’s scary that young, first-time voters are grappling to shape their political beliefs and what they are able to hold on to is hate”

Digital Security + Language