This announcement was originally published in the website of the NLnet Foundation.
The Next Generation Internet Zero initiative announces the 50 projects selected to receive its grants as a result of the June call. The selected project teams are based in 18 different countries and involve people and organisations of various types, such as individuals, associations, small and medium enterprises, foundations, universities, and informal collectives.
The 50 free and open source projects were selected across two funds. 19 teams will receive grants from the NGI Zero Commons Fund, a broadly themed fund that supports people working on reclaiming the public nature of the internet. The other 31 projects will work within NGI Zero Core which focuses on strengthening the open internet architecture. Both funds offer financial and practical support. The latter consisting of support services such as accessibility and security audits, advice on license compliance, help with testing, documentation or UX design.
If you applied for a grant
This is the selection for the June call. We always inform all applicants about the outcome of the review ahead of the public announcement, if the are selected or not. If you have not heard anything, you probably applied to a later call that is still under review. You can see which call you applied to by checking the application number assigned to the project when you applied. The second number in the sequence refers to the month of the call, so 06 in the case of the June call. (It should not happen, but if you did apply to the June call and did not hear anything, do contact us.)
Meet the new projects!
Trustworthy hardware and manufacturing
- Hardware 2D graphics engine — Additional functionality and better performance for FPGA-based 2D video controller
- Real Time Litex Extension — Real time capabilities for FPGA-based RISC-V core
- Tiliqua — Open audio DSP for FPGAs
- ZSWatch — Open smartwatch including software, hardware, and mechanics
- Frugal EDA — Energy-efficient circuits and systems through quantum superconductivity
Network infrastructure incl. routing, P2P and VPN
- Reticulum Network Stack — Networking stack for building local and wide-area networks even with extremely low bandwidth
- librice — Pure Rust implementation of IETFs real-time communication standard ICE
Software engineering, protocols, interoperability, cryptography, algorithms, proofs
- machine-check — Tool for formal verification for machine-code
- Mox management and automation — Automated email server management and administration
- Optimized Image Codecs — More efficient image handling for embedded systems
- Spritely Oaken — Secure 3rd party extensibility with capability-based Scheme
- Aiohttp type checking — Improve typechecking for Aiohttp HTTP Client/Server framework
- Polyglot jaq — Data wrangling tool focusing on correctness, speed, and simplicity
- Rusted Platform Module — Programming TPMs in pure Rust
- OCaml direct style transition — Helping with the transition of OCaml programs from Lwt to Eio
Operating Systems, firmware and virtualisation
- Mainline Linux on ARM Chromebooks — Open firmware and standards-based boot for Mediatek MT818x/MT819x based devices
- NetBSD Reproducibility — Extend Reproducibility for CTF Debugging Infos and NetBSD Image Creation
- Security audit of Sailfish FOSS components — Analyse security of secrets, Sailfish ofono and Sailjail
- Grate project — Linux support for Tegra 2/3/4 devices
- Mollymawk — Mollymawk - orchestration and management of MirageOS unikernels
- Better support for display notches and cutouts in Phosh — Better custom shape screen support for Wayland
Measurement, monitoring, analysis and abuse handling
- CRAVEX 2 Code Reachability — Do vulnerable dependencies actually impacts security or not?
- CRAVEX integration — Integrated vulnerability exploitability management
- Darkstar — Open source vulnerability management solution
- happyDomain — Simplify DNS zone management
- Reaction — Event-based system programming
- iso14229 — Universal Diagnostic Services for automotive diagnostics
Middleware and identity
- Garage Administration UI — Easier administration for selfhosted storage buckets
- Rauthy — Reliable OpenID Connect IdP and IAM solution
- Threadiverse Reproducible Deployment — Reproducible deployment for Threadiverse servers
Decentralised solutions, including blockchain/distributed ledger
- Yrs persistent documents — Yrs/Yjs compatible layer for persistent key-value stores
- Hyper Hyper Space Sync Engine and adapters — Secure P2P data synchronisation
- Titanic — Database server to synchronize vast collections of CRDT documents
- ActivityPods 3.0 — Encrypted Solid-compatible Pods
Data and AI
- MWoffliner — Software to make Wikipedia and other Mediawiki content available offline
- Organic Maps сonvergent UI for Linux with Qt Quick/Kirigami — Declarative cross-platform UI for navigation
- A Frameworks Framing — Open corporate data in Wikirate through the lens of standards
- Polyglot jaq — Data wrangling tool focusing on correctness, speed, and simplicity.
- PurlValidator — Check validity of software package identifiers online and offline
- PyCM — Machine learning post-processing and analysis
Services + Applications (e.g. email, instant messaging, video chat, collaboration)
- Mox management and automation — Automated email server management and administration
- linkblocks — Federated bookmark manager based on ActivityPub
- Manyfold — ActivityPub-powered tool for storing and sharing 3d models
- NextGraph Framework — SDK's and API's for the NextGraph Framework
- Slipshow — A different paradigm for presentations including flipchart style annotations
- AlekSIS SCIM — SCIM, timetabes and other features for AlekSIS
Vertical use cases, Search, Community
- Organic Maps bookmarks, hike and bike — Improved bookmarks, address search, map styles and driving
- OpenStreetMap-NG — Alternative implementation of OpenStreetMap
- Empowering Mobilizon — Find, create, organise and curate events
- WeasyPrint — Print rendering engine for HTML and CSS
- Mifos X (Apache Fineract) — Type safety for/refactoring of Apache Fineract banking software
Still hungry for more projects? Check out the overview of all our current and recent projects...
Inspired? If you are working on a project that contributes to the Next Generation Internet you can submit a proposal. The next deadline is February 1st.

The NGI0 Commons Fund and the NGI0 Core funds are possible with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology.