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As part of APC’s Women’s Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP), Colnodo trained 50 teachers belonging to the Colombian Federation of Educators (Federacion Colombiana de Educadores, FECODE) on the use of basic internet tools.

The training was held within the framework of the third “New departments, communication and training project for lead teachers” that Fecode is promoting with the support of the Lararforbundet organisation.

The workshop was carried out using the “Regional training model for citizen participation training via internet, for rural women”, which was developed by Modemmujer, an electronic communication network based in Mexico.

About 50 teachers from eight departments located in the north-eastern and south-eastern parts of Colombia participated in this training. Besides providing instruction on the use of computers and the internet, it offered an introduction to the use of electronic mail. Many of them were able to communicate with their children oversees, using this medium for the first time.

At this same event, Colnodo and the APC WNSP made a presentation on the social impact of new technologies on women’s groups and organisations. During the event they discussed issues relatied to the importance of the use of ICT from the perspective of educators. They also brought up the possibility of integrating these tools into the learning process.

These activities complement other workshops that have been offered to Fecode teachers and that have been very well received.

— Colnodo article translated in English by APC.

Author: —- (Olga Paz)
Contact: info
Source: Colnodo
Date: 07/12/2006
Location: BOGOTA, Colombia
Category: Training and ICTs
