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The ‘APC regional consultation meeting on ICT policy in South Asia’ that was to be held in end-January in Kathmandu, Nepal, has been postponed. This meet aims at engaging in surfacing ICT policy priorities and strategies in the countries of South Asia, to exchange information on ICT policy issues and advocacy strategies, and to explore new ways of networking and coordinating on ICT policy advocacy in South Asia. APC is also consulting with One World South Asia, Panos South Asia, IDRC, among others, in organizing the meeting.

Willie Currie and Partha Pratim Sarker of the APC Asia ICT policy monitor network (Communication and Information Policy Programme) said the APC would run this consultation meeting in two tiers of involvement.

"One is an open consultation that would be facilitated by open space technologies (OST) and will engage the participants to surface issues related to their interest and to talk about it. Another is, presentation

evenings, where the participants would present their work and will share experiences of relevant policy intervention in their respective fields," said Currie and Sarkar, in a pre-event announcement.

Author: —- (APCNews)
Source: APCNews
Date: 01/22/2006
Location: GOA, India
Category: Announcements from APC